~A Remarkable Find~

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He had heard the tale of the Loch Ness Monster and the Kelpie he was 25% both of them. Being orphaned by Blood Fever a disease he had made up which had become all too real for an unknown reason. 

Joselyn ventured to Scotland hoping to find a new family. It had just turned daylight in Scotland and the sand was beginning to burn the soles of his feet as the sun shined down on him. 

The rocks and pools of Scotland were amazing many things were waiting to be found in the ocean. Joselyn crept very slowly over the rocks careful not to slip and fall into the cool ocean waters and sat down and he picked at the rocks, kelp, seaweed, and shells that were scattered all over the place until something had caught his eye he craned his neck to look at what appeared to be a colorful rock in that small pool of water he reached down and grabbed at what he thought was a rock but quickly realized it was an egg he had seen The Water Horse: Legend Of The Deep before at a young age it was a Water Horse egg the parent that layed it had died and left this wonderful piece of "treasure" behind. Joselyn looked around quickly to see if any wondering eyes had seen him pick up the egg he quickly stuffed the egg in his satchel and ran off to his "workshop" he found to take care of the creature that was being formed in this wonderful egg.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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