Get Bucky.

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I tried to mask my emotions as Sam said that he found a way to escape, but it was hard to hold everything in. I was relieved, so relieved. This is what I'd been waiting for. But the horrible tension happening between Steve and his friends was impossible to deal with. I couldn't handle knowing this was all my fault. I was just glad that I was the one standing here and not Bucky. I was selfish and I knew it, but Bucky wasn't. He wouldn't hurt Steve like I was willing to do. Bucky hated himself and loved Steve too much to do that.

"Their Quinjet's in hangar five, north runway."

I watched Steve hold his, still webbed, hands in the air. Clint shot an arrow through them, freeing Steve's hands. Tony immediately covered his face with his mask. Something wasn't right with him. He was too on-guard the whole time, waiting for something bad to happen, like he never expected any of it to actually go his way. All I could do was watch.

Scott flipped into full-size after stealing the shield from the kid's hands. "I believe this is yours, Captain America."

I heard Tony talking, so I listened in. "There's two in the parking deck. One of them's Maximoff, I'm gonna grab her." He blasted into the air. "Rhodey, you wanna take Cap?"

Who I assumed to be Rhodey went into the air, too, but stayed hovering above the ground. "Got two in the terminal. Wilson and Barnes."

The cat took off, "Barnes is mine."

That pulled me from my frozen state. I practically growled as I chased after him. The only thing running through my mind was that I couldn't let them get Bucky, not again, not now. One look at Steve, who threw his shield at Rhodey when I glanced back, and I knew his head was filled with the same thoughts.

I heard a whizzing sound, so I stepped to the side and stuck my arm out. I was able to grab the shield and throw it at the cat's back before jumping on him as he faltered. I was straddling his waist, my arms against his shoulders. He tried flipping us, but I put my forearms against his throat and held his head against the ground. His voice was deep as he demanded, "Get this girl off of me, Captain." He grabbed my waist and flipped me before jumping into a standing position. "I won't ask you to move again," he stated. Steve didn't move from his position in front of him.

I watched the cat jump and kick at Steve, so I used Steve's shield to jump off of and drop back onto the cat. "Can't get away from me that easily, my king," I smirked in his face.

He tried to resist. "You can not stop me from killing your brother. It's what he deserves."

"No. That's where you're wrong. Bucky didn't kill whoever you think he did, because if he did, I would be thee, too. Yet, you don't seem to be trying to kill me as much as you are him. He seems to be your main mission." I raised an eyebrow at him. My words had spilled out in an attempt to stall him, but as I thought about it, I realized I was right. This man had tried to attack me before, but he seemed to care more about getting to Bucky then me.

The king tilted his head to look at Steve. "That's because I'm planning it out. I know now that if I can get your brother, I can easily get you."

"Yeah?" I smirked. "Well, it doesn't seem like that now."

The king laughed dryly. His voice was definitely attractive, but I wasn't really into people who were on the trail of killing my brother. "And as you can see, the captain is more concerned about stopping me from killing your brother. If I get him down, he will be too heartbroken to fight me."

I pushed down again. "That's where you're wrong again. If you kill Bucky, it'll only make Steve worse. He won't stop until he kills you in return. You won't be able to get to Bucky." With that, I stood up. Before the cat could process my movements and follow my lead, I kicked his face with the bottom of my boot. I knew it wouldn't do much, but I prayed for just a few more minutes of time as I grabbed Steve's arm to run toward Bucky.

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