
My mother taught me many great things. Things that let me believe in myself and stand up for beliefs. Things that lead me to hate the world government and all of its citizens.

I felt a few strands of hair being ripped from my scalp as they yanked out of the water by my braid. I gasped for air greedily, only getting two gasps in before my head was back under water.

I remember the camp she raised me on with my dad, all the different people fighting for the way they love. The way we constantly had to move around, sneaking around right under the government's noses. I remember when they found us like it was yesterday. The way the bullets entered and exited their bodies, splattering blood all over our tent.

They pulled me up again and I started gasping immediately. This time will last longer as it was the third time under.

"TELL US BITCH! WE KNOW YOU KNOW WHERE THEY'RE HIDING," The guard in front of me yelled into my face, referring to the campers who escaped their attack.

"Why would I tell you when you murdered my parents right in front of me," I stated sourly.

"Parent shouldn't exist, those people are law breaking traitors," the guard holding my hair said right in ear.

"Were," I corrected him. "And yes, they may have broken your silly laws about parenting and love, but they weren't traitors," I said harshly before spitting in the guard in front of me's face.

This lead to my head being pushed back under water. This is my twentieth time being caught by these idiots and they still think I know where the rest of the original campers went. I have no idea where they went or where they are, but I do know of a new camp, and I've been looking for their camp for the past three years.

My head came back out of the water and the doctor who's been in charge of me since the first time they caught me was leaning down to my level. "Come on Cassie. You need to learn to forget about the past. Grudges bring out the worst in people."

"Fuck you Schmeck," I said, saying his last name with as much hostility as I could manage, making him smile at me in return.

"Five minutes boys," he told the guards before walking away from the edge of the pool.

At Dr. Schmeck's command the guard pushed my head back under the water. At this point I was already out of breath and it didn't take long before I passed out.

"Cassie, you have to escape baby girl," my mom said, hugging me. "You have to lead the rebellion, and you can't do that in this lab interrogation lab."

"How do I escape this time, they made sure to check me for lock picks and weapons this time," I said, trying not to cry.

"Use your brain, Cas. You're a smart girl,"my dad said, patting me on the shoulder.

I woke up with a major headache, my lungs feeling as if they are on fire. I was back in my cell, the Dr. Working on something at his little station.

I looked around my practically empty cell in search for something to pick the lock with. Maybe even something to use as a weapon for my escape. After looking around for a minute I suddenly remembered my hair band.

I pulled the elastic band out of my hair, my once braided dark brown strands falling into my face now. I then proceeded to break the band and look at the little metal piece. I then stepped on the metal piece, flattening it with the heel of my boot, and began to attempt picking the lock.

Once I heard a click sound I looked at Dr. Shmeck, afraid that he heard. I sighed in relief upon seeing him still playing with different liquids at his work station. Luckily the only guard in the room was asleep at the main door, his gun against the wall next to him, hence my weapon.

I slowly pushed open the cell door, my eyes moving between the two in caution. I slowly made my way towards the sleeping guard, being careful as to not make any noise. I grabbed the gun with no problems then attempted to open the main door.

That's when my luck ran out, as the door made a loud noise, waking the guard and gaining Shmeck's attention at the same time. I was quick to hit the guard with the gun, knocking him out, then point it towards the doctor.

Shmeck raised his hands in surrendered, most likely not wanting another bullet wound in weakening body. "DAMNIT CASSIE! YOU KNOW WE'LL FIND YOU AGAIN!"

I rolled my eyes at him, smiling, "maybe, maybe not. I might find a better hiding place this time, maybe even start a revolution."

"One of these days we'll kill you Cassie," he said, sounding more calm now. "We'll kill you and anyone else who tries to put love back into the system."

"At least I'll die fighting for what I believe in," I said. "Now face the fucking wall and get in the floor," I commanded and he done so. I then left that room, keeping my ears open for any sign of movement as I moved through the concrete hallway.

I knew this place like the back of my hand, I've been caught so many times. I'm still shocked they haven't killed me yet. As I moved through the hallway I made my usual left at the end, the exit now in sight. That's when I heard the escape bell start to ring, making me smile to myself. I'm a whole minute ahead if last time.

I seen a guard come around the corner of another hallway and I was quick to shoot him in the leg, still happy with my streak of zero kills. I apotted another guard behind the fallen one, aiming his gun at me, and I shot him in the shoulder.

Within five seconds I was out the door and jumping onto the roof of another building. I threw the gun back at the guards while I ran, using the sound of gunshots being fired at me as motivation to keep running, hopping from building to building.

I finally came upon a dead end, as the next building was to tall for me to jump to, and I decided to run into the building I was on. I ran down several flights of stairs, running into people on my way and making them angry. Most of them simply yelled curse words while some of them threw their drinks at me. I eventually reached the first floor and shot out of that building and into the alley ways.

Before long I was simply walking through the alley ways, attempting to catch my breath from running for so long. The sky was dark at this point and my stomach was rumbling from hunger.

The smell of fast food caught my senses and I started walking towards the source. The sight of a small sit down diner caught my sight and I walked straight inside, even though I would have to dine and dash. I was quick to order my food and as I ate I watched the TV they had at the front.

I smiled at the cartoon, laughing silently at it's innocence. Suddenly it shot to a woman sitting at a desk, "breaking news! A dangerous prisoner has escaped the Velcone Labs today and is considered to be armed and dangerous." It cut to a picture of me from two years ago and I nearly choked on my burger.

"She goes by the name Cassie Kepper. If you see this woman please contact the police," the woman finished, the picture of me taking up the entire screen.

I looked around the empty diner, a feeling of relief washing over me as no one was paying attention to the news. I took this as my chance to get up and run, ignoring the calls of the waiters and waitresses, happy that I at least got to eat. I ran for quite a while until I seen a random convenient store.

I walked in, keeping my head down and ignoring the different screens with my picture in them. I grabbed a random blanket, black hair dye, and a pair of scissors off the shelves before I ran out of there, the clerk chasing after me.

Luckily I was too fast for him and I ran into a random apartment building, heading straight to the roof. I then took random prices of cardboard and set up camp, wrapping myself in a blanket and leaning against the concrete wall behind me.

I looked at the still packaged scissors and hair dye, my chest tightening in thought of my parents. I'm doing all of this for them. Hiding, fighting, escaping, searching. All of it is for them. I just wish I had someone to do it with.

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