
"Andrea! Give me three of the government's laws," my government teacher Ms. Wilkos spoke, pulling my attention out of my notebook.

"Sex is to only occur on one day, a.k.a. Reproduction-Day. Doctors have to give women Poiseation after they give birth on Birthday. Women are have to give the infants they birth to the Education Council Advisory three days after Birthday," I spoke, completely bored with our discussion.

"Ms. Wilkos, what is Poiseation," one of the girls asked, making everyone else in the class laugh.

"Really Savannah? We're almost eighteen, we will be participating in Reproduction-Day next year," another girl chimed in.

"It's a shot they give women on Birthday after they give birth. It helps control their emotions when they have to give up the child they gave life to," I said, rolling my eyes at the immaturity coming from the girls around me.

"Does everyone have to participate in Reproduction-Day," Savannah then asked, sparking my interest a bit. It's a question I have yet to hear be asked let alone answered.

"Yes, one child every year per woman until she reaches thirty," Ms. Wilkos answered. "Now, onto the history of our government, starting with love," she continued, peaking my interest further. "Being a senior means you finally get to learn about why love was banned many, many years ago."

I sighed, letting myself slip out of the conversation again. I already knew about all of this. I read enough to know about our government and it's laws. I read enough to easily imagine what it was like before love was banned. I'm pretty sure half the stuff I read is actually illegal now.

I do know that I want what's in the books I read. Parents, romance, love, to raise my own child. It all sounds so lovely. Then the government tells you about the ugly side, abuse, cheating, disowning, riots. That's what makes me question myself, and the laws force me to believe that it will all lead to the destruction of our peaceful times.

Before I knew it the bell was ringing. I shot up out of my seat and ran to the school bathrooms. I quickly changed into my work uniform and ran out of the building. I ran down the street to Apple's, the diner I've been working at for the past three years. Once inside my co-workers were already calling my name.

I was quick to throw my stuff in the back and clock in. After that I was quickly thrown into the dining area to take orders. Since it was dive o'clock the diner was packed with kids who have just been released from school and adults who have just been released from work.

I think work at the diner is what brings me down to the ground. Usually my head is up in the clouds thinking about all the books I've read. Sometimes I even put myself into different scenarios and play them out in my head.

The therapist I used to talk to said these were very unhealthy things and tried to put me in shock therapy. I basically just told him that I stopped doing that and he believed me luckily.

After working the diner rush the building slowly started getting emptier and emptier. Soon there were only two customers and I took this as my que to go to the back.

"Andrea, good job today. I'm going to go ahead and pay you so I can get out of here, sound good," my boss, Jacqueline, asked and I nodded.

She held out her wrist and pressed the little button embedded in it, the holographic screens coming up immediately, and she pulled up the pay roster. I done the same, pulling up my pay receiver. Within three seconds my $350 for the week was in my account.

"Your next shift is Monday, try not to be late, and lock up when you leave today," Jacqueline said, smiling at me before leaving. Just as she left a girl walked in, her hair and clothes damp and she appeared to be worn out. As if she had just ran a marathon.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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