Chapter Fourteen

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The bakery was unusually full the next day with one woman demanding a fruit cake, another demanding three bread loaves, a man eyeing each braided pretzel for the "perfect" one, and a woman who was unhappy with the crust of her peach pie. Luccino tended to the others while I proceeded to wrap the bread loaves then took the woman's fifteen cents.

I truly deplored my job and wished that Luccino's nephew worked half as hard as I always did. But no, he sat in the cellar and read Buster Brown and Little Orphan Annie comic strips all day. Occasionally he would rise to wet his whistle with a club soda.

The woman with the fruit cake was the last customer to leave, and as she walked out I sighed hard then collapsed on the counter. I could not wait to con someone out of a hundred dollars so that I could never work in this flour and yeast haven again.
I heard the door open and close which caused me to jolt upward ready to tend to the next exigent customer. Instead, the person who walked in caused my body to entirely freeze.

Leo entered wearing a navy blue suit with a waistcoat, diagonal striped bow tie and wing tips. He removed his navy blue medium brim fedora revealing his smooth and sleek hair and emphasizing his clean shaven face. Wherever he had been for the past two weeks had treated him well. He had yet to look at me, as his eyes were focused on the fresh shortbread cookies.

I wanted to speak but I lacked the ability to produce words at the moment. How could he just show up after two weeks looking more handsome than ever?

"H-Hi." I finally uttered smoothing out my peach colored pleated skirt.

"Hi. You hungry?" He asked setting his hat on the counter in front of me.

"Um-" I glanced to the back room then nodded a yes.


"Right now?"

"Yes, right now." He chuckled lightly. I glanced back again.

"I'm working right now."

"No, kidding. C'mon Claire." He turned and held open the door.

I nervously continued to look back, hoping that Mr. Luccino wouldn't come out. Then I looked at the now impatient Leo. I just wanted to be with him right now, not surrounded by baked goods. I felt his kiss everyday and waited for this exact moment to see him after that day.

So, with some hesitation, I snatched off my apron and darted out the door. Leo walked toward a black Cadillac and helped me inside. He had a car! I had not even known since he hadn't been around for two whole weeks.

When we arrived at the luncheonette, quite far from the Bowery, we sat at a far table and ordered broiled beef and cokes. After placing our orders we sat in silence since Leo seemed to be deep in thought as he stared intently out the window.

"How was your trip?" I asked breaking the silence.


"Where did you go?" Now Leo moved his eyes to me and smirked.

"Nowhere interesting." He leaned forward a bit. "I heard you helped Tony with a con. How did it go?" I thought back, proud of myself.

"Great! I learned a lot. Oh and thank you for the dress. Anne told me you gave-"

"Don't mention it." Leo interrupted sitting back. I scoffed at him and his rude interruption. I was already upset that he had left for quite some time and now he was being rude.

"What is wrong with you Leo?" He cocked his head quite surprised from my angry tone.

"Why do you ask?"

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