0.3 Plot

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The curtains were shut.

No sunlight seeped through the dark room, almost like the area had been left untouched. It would have been something of a crime scene movie - the ruffled bedsheets in the corner of the room, the almost bearen floor except a few stray sticky notes that fell from the duzen on the walls. Each sticky note was taped up, a string leading to one another in a organized fashion.

Aside from the one wall, the other walls in the room were left baren.

It was similar to what a Private Investigator would have their studies, or if a serial killer like Jefree Dahmer were to stalk someone. Thats the type of vibes the sticky note covered wall gave.

However, it was no such thing but a sanctuary in a way - a place to get away from the world and all the cruel words that came with. It seemed to steal the shapes of people that rest in the room and disform them - making them to be the cruel creatures parents told their kids about at night. The images that were drawn hurrendeously on the sticky noted wall.

The blob on the bed moved, stretching upwards tell a satisfying crack emitted from the quiet room.

It was almost deafening how quiet it was, like you could hear every single breath from across the room or like you could hear the cars on the street below.

The blob - which wasn't much of a blob at all but actually a girl, reached over, her phone clasped in cold pale hands.

The light that emitted from the phone lit up the room briefly, making the girl flinch under its harsh gaze.
The time read 11:43 - a new record it seemed for the girl. She stayed up late the night prior, pulling her hair out and running across the room to add sticky notes to sticky notes. In her rush and sleep-driven state she had managed to not only lose one on the floor - but what seemed like a dozen.

Her hand reached for the blind next to her bed, lifting it ever so slightly. The sun took the opportunity to seep its way through the curtains, claiming the dark like it claims the monsters within. Almost taingtingly so, like the light was watching - just waiting for a moment to make its pounce.

The streets were quiet. Outside, She could see a cat wandering across the fence post of her gated community - its tail swinging in the wind. No cars drove by, no wandering civilians claiming the day as their own.

She studied the outside for a second before the faint sound of children laughter flooded her ears, her eyes racing to find the noise before she spotted them. A group of three, chasing a ball down the street.

The curtain was instantly thrown shut, the girl leaving her spot on the bed.

The girl stood, her phone long forgotten on her bedside as she made her way throughout her room with shaky feet.

The rest of the house matched the state of the girls room, dark.  A pale hand reached forward, instinctively turning on her coffee pot and beginning to brew herself a cup of coffee.

Bitterness filled her swollen tongue, satisfying her thirst but making her grimace at the same time. One cream - two sugars were hastily thrown in as she stirred the contents with a popsicle stick, making her way towards her washroom.

This time; the girl had to turn on the light. She ran a hand through her hair once, twice, before her eyes fell from the mirror and onto the toilet to do her buisness.

The girl was relatively pale, like she could do for some sunlight and like she could do for a giant thanksgiving meal for one.

Her hair was tied in thick knots, being yanked apart roughly by her fingertips before a brush made its way through.

The girl quickly smelt her armpits, a brief thought of when she last showered going through her head - grimacing at the night sweat she produced. Her clothes stripped from her body and were quickly thrown to the bathroom floor, the thought of a good shower - some cold water - would do her good.

The time read 1:17 before the girl was out of her bathroom, her dirty clothes and cup of coffee which had cooled quite a bit - in her hands.

The light in her bedroom finally turned on, eliminating the grey walls and the wood flooring. Aside from her bed, a closet which held her clothing, and a desk in the right corner the room was empty in a way.

The girl kept it minimalistic, except for the numerous sticky notes taped onto walls connected by a string to one another. Brainstorms, countless notes and ideas thrown onto each note quickly in a manner that screamed like they kept coming - like if she didn't write them down they would leave her thought.

On some, was drawings. Scribbles in a way if you stared too long and didn't know what to look for; drawings depicting horrors that seemed to follow you wherever you went.

Everyones eyes always fell to there when the girl first had people over. Their eyes morphing into different emotions - clouding over in a haze, the dilation of pupil as they try and take it all in, the way their eyes stray to the drawings before averting their gaze quickly, grimacing at whatever they had picked up on through them.

She grew used to those looks, to the judgement within them - to the forced smiles and how they pretended like they weren't confused or disgusted.

So, she stopped bringing people over.

The girl sat at her desk, her legs instinctively coming to coddle her body and warm her as she took a dip of her coffee.

The computer in front of her lit up once more, leaving the girl to glance across the page and read what was said.

"SUNNY" appeared in bold, underneath it a text box that seemed to taunt her for her password.

With a quick entry, the girl was granted access to her websites she left open the night prior - twitter, reddit, gmails being some of the many.

The girl, now disclosed as Sunny, made her way through the apps tell she reached twitter.

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