The Train Part 1

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I'm terrified "Hey GET OFF ME!" I scream, the peace keepers keep dragging me to a room in the Hall of Justice and I'm thrown into a room. I get up and the room is gorgeous. I immediately go to sit on the plush and soft blue couch. The walls are wooden and painted white, and the shelves are filled with candles all different colours. I hear a creaking noise "who's there?" Immediately my sister barges in with my mom. "Cassius oh my god were so sorry we love you so much!" My sister squeals. "So it's not a prank?" I say. My mother and sister look at me as if they have said no. "Cassius" my mother says with a sympathetic smile. "You can win this your big and strong. Remember how you always played swords with your sister?" " ya I remember." "If there is a sword use it I don't know what they will give you,  but if there is one get to it."Suddenly I remember "where's dad?" Before my mom and sister can explain a peacekeepers barges in and drags my mother away and attempts to drag my sister away while I hold onto her. "TIME IS UP" the peacekeeper yells. He gets a grip while I lose mine and he manages to drag her out of the room. All I can do is scream "I Love You!" After a while another peacekeepers comes in and says "let's go." I start to follow him down a polished brown floor with a white hallway and many shelves filled with trophies. We make it to the end of the hall and the lady who picked us out of the bowl introduces herself outside of a car. "Hello Cassius, Lilly is in the car already. My name is Aphrodite and I will be your escort." I nod my head and she pulls me into the car. She surprisingly doesn't say anything so I was able to think. This is starting to feel like it's not a prank and that I will have to harm someone. I don't want to though, so why should we be forced to? The car stops and we're met with a huge bullet train. Aphrodite speaks "we are here!" I climb out and and stop in front of the doors. I suddenly get nudged by Lilly "hurry up" "sorry" I climb into the train and are met with a luxurious scent that smells like roses. I see 4 blue leather couches at each 4 mahogany tables that are polished and shiny. The carpet feels like the rug I have at home and the walls are striped with blue and white lines. As me and Lilly are overwhelmed with the luxuries of this place Aphrodite comes up behind us and excitedly says "I know look how beautiful this is! It's not even the only part!" She scurries past us. Me and Lilly run towards the tables and immediately sit down "oh my god! These chairs are so comfy." Lilly says "ya, but look at this machine" I say, the machine is on the bottom right of the table and the instructions say "push the green button, then talk into the little mouth piece of what you want to eat." So i decide to say "ice cream" the table slowly lowers down and we hear a loud squeaking sound. Then the table starts to rise up and we see ice cream "WOW!" Lilly says in shock and we stuff our faces full of what we want to eat.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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