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Kana Hayashi knew this scene. She had seen it a billion times.

On the pages of a manga at least...

The sun shone through the early cherry blossoms blowing a few petals away, flying past her and ruffling her long black hair. But though the strands covered half her face, obscuring her vision ever so slightly, she still saw him.

He sat near the window of the classroom above her. His green eyes looked cold but shone still as he stared out into the horizon, black hair glistening in the bright daylight. His facial features looked almost bored as he rested his right cheek on a hand looking while the students piled into school.

"Jun..." Kana whispered, the sound stuck in her throat.

As if hearing her, the boy at the window turned his head and those green eyes searched the crowd of students, looking.

Kana quickly averted her gaze, her eyes glistened from the formation of sudden tears. Willing herself not to cry, Kana pushed down the sudden rush of emotions and memories that filled her.

Not this time. She told herself.

She looked back once more at his face, porcelain white skin, high cheekbones and perfect lips.

She straightened her uniform, breathed in a deep breath and walked through the school's gates.

Not this time. She repeated to herself.

This time, he will be happy. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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