Chapter two - Who told

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I closed my eyes ,this couldn't be happening.No not here.I have to be dreaming.I opened my eyes and looked at Tara and she looked confused. His face was red standing over me .I asked with hopefully enough confidence to fool Tara "What are you doing here".

He stepped back in amazment ,startled that i yelled at him.He grabbed my arm and told me sternly ,"you left without telling me this morning !" I stepped back hitting my ankle on the wheels of my chair.Tara shot a look back at the team who were all in various places behind my desk ."And you are ?!" Demanded Tara .He gripped my arm tighter at the question "you didn't tell them" he raised an eyebrow.I could tell he was growing more furious.He spun my around and shook my shoulders rather hard.He bent down and whispered in my ear "tell em".

I tried to gain confidence in my voice and somehow found enough to squeak out "my husband ". I heard Garcia gasp rather loudly,and i saw Emilys eyebrows furrow and shoot a look at Spencer.Hotch stepped forward and announced,trying to fix the situation "the jet is ready" he looked at me and nodded towards the door.I attempted to bend down to grab my bag ,but he was holding my shoulders so hard I couldn't move .
"You arent gonna tell them my name,how rude of you?, hi my name is Landon.I'm her husband ."
He was met with the team's silence.Emily spoke up ," Its time go come on Y/N ". But noone moved .I asked Landon quietly "please let me go". He released his grip on me and i bent down to get my bag .I started to walk away and Tara took my hand in an attempt to lead me away .Landon yelled across the bullpen "But first we need to talk " he paused "privately ".
My eyes welled up and i felt my face get hot .That was never good.I handed tara my bag and told then I'd meet them on the jet ,i asked Garcia if i could use her office.She nodded .
Landon grabbed my hand and led me away and i told him where to go .

He closed the door and turned to look at me .He walked slowly,his boots squeaking as he walked.I looked down at my feet knowing what was about to go down.It was quick but it was hard.I didn't have time to process before he did it again.The floor was cold against my face .My arm was hot .He was sitting in the corner on the floor,waiting for me to gather myself.I brought my hand to my face and it was bleeding.Not alot but enough to need stitches.I got up amd regained my balance.I looked up at him and asked "can i go now" .He laughed and said "You can,but don't expect a warm welcome when you return".I felt a weakness in my leg but I didn't dare look down,i heard the elevator open and i knew he was leaving ,i sped towards the bathroom.I saw myself in the mirror and assessed the damage.My lip was busted and my eye was turning black.
I saw my leg ,it was scratched down my calf and bleeding .I ran to grab toilet paper to dab up the blood and i went to my desk and grabbed alcohol wipes and bandaids.

I walked out on the tarmac,nervous knowing they were gonna ask questions.I stepped onto the jet and everyones head turned,Emily stood up and Spencer looked visibly upset.Tara patted the seat next to her .It was silent except for the loud noise of the plane taking off .JJ was the first one to speak."You never told us you were married?"
I smiled half heartedly and said "i guess it never came up".
Emily was never one to ignore the elephant in the room ,so i was afraid of what she was gonna say ."Y/N ,did he do that to your eye" "no of course not i was playing with Garcia's marble ball and I dropped it on my face like morgan used to do." Emily raised an eyebrow at me and sighed.
"Spencer brief me please " i asked .He took a deep breath and started "so essentially he's a sadist and he waits for....." His voice faded as i started thinking about the events of today ,and it wasn't even 2:00.

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