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I needed to see her, I needed to know that she was okay. I needed to talk to her, to hold her and feel her in my arms but Max was making it hard for me to do so. Now here I am waiting for my brothers to come and bring me another tire since I need to replace two and not one, as I hear not one or two but four cars heading my way. I turn towards the sound of the cars I see several people getting out almost laughing, all I could do was to lower my head and shake it trying so hard for them not to ask any questions regarding what happened.

"Do we want to know what happened or how you got two flat tires" Santiago asked

"No" I almost yelled at him

"Max shot one tire so he couldn't follow him, then when Salvador said that he had a spare tire Max shot the other one before driving off with a big smile on his face I am pretty sure that he was laughing" Mike said

"You were here and didn't come out to help me" I asked

"I was doing what I was told to do" Mike said

"And what was that" I asked

"Keep you from getting to MJ and her pack" Mike said as he pulled out his own gun

I didn't want to make a big deal out of all this and just pushed myself off of my car and opened the trunk to get everything I was going to need to change the tires of my car, while I was doing that Silvestre said that they were going to go and see if they could talk to MJ and see if they would come to Sebastian, Marcos and Zachary's wedding tomorrow which made me smile hoping that she would say that she will come so I could see her.


When we got to where Salvador was waiting for us to give him another extra tire we all wanted to laugh because I had sent Mike to shoot his tires to stop him from getting to MJ, after he started to get the things he will need to change the tires we all got in our cars to go to MJ's lands to see if she would come to Sebastian, Marcos and Zachary's wedding. She is family and she deserves to be there with us all, we all just hope that she will say yes. As soon as we were close to the pack lands we were stopped by several wolves, when we were surrounded we all got out as the boys and me got in front of everybody as Lucy got next to me taking my hand.

"What is your business in these lands" one man said

"We are here to see Alpha Soto" Mike said

"And what is your business with her" he asked

"Let them through Ricky, they are Alpha's family" Lucio said as he walked up to us

"Nice to see you again Lucio" I said

"Same here alpha" he said as he bowed his head

"Follow us we will take you to MJ" he added

We all got in our cars and we followed Lucio to the pack house where Max was already waiting for us, when we all got out of the car he walked up to us with the other three guys that were with him when he was in my pack lands.

"Max" I said

"Grand father" he answered

"Where is your mother" Lucy asked

"In the back, follow me" he said

We started to follow him to the back of the house and saw MJ punching a punching bag as a male werewolf was holding it, after a few more punches she stopped and looked at the guy and then turned around to look at us.

"Figured you all would come here after my son and his commanders went to your pack" she said as she pulled two rings out of her pocket and placed them on her ring finger.

"We just wanted to see if you would come to your brothers wedding" Lucy asked

"I don't see why we couldn't go, we don't have anything plan for tomorrow" she said

"How did you know that it is tomorrow" Sebastian asked

"We got a little tip letting us know that my uncles were getting hanged" Max said

"Hanged" Sebastian, Marcos and Zachary asked at the same time

"It's how the youth say that they are getting married" the man that was holding the punching bag said as he got behind MJ and placed his arms around her interlocking his fingers in front of her stomach

"I'm sorry but who are you" Lucy said

"Sorry my name is Francisco Vargas, I am Maria's husband" Francisco said

"When did you get married" I asked

"I think Max was about ten so almost eight years" Francisco said

"Well welcome to the family but what about your mate" Mike asked

"She died during a rouge attack to our pack thirteen years ago" he said

"We are sorry" I said

"Its okay, the moon goddess knows why she does these things" he said

"So we will be seeing you all tomorrow, bring the pack too" I said

"We will see you all tomorrow and if you excuse me I need a shower" MJ said as they both walked away through the back door of the house

We all got back in the cars and we started making our way to the pack lands, as we were heading back I was trying to think of a way to let Salvador know about MJ moving on with her life.

"Are we going to tell Salvador that MJ is married" Sebastian asked

"I don't know I will have to tell my cousins first and see what they would like to do" I said

"What do you think they are thinking about it" Marcos asked

"I don't know" I said

The rest of the way to the pack we were quiet thinking about what we had just found out and if we should tell Salvador or let him find out tomorrow at the weddings, when we got to the pack house we saw everybody there waiting for us.

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