A Ghostbusters Christmas

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"Holtzmann I need you to open up that box of lights and help me and Abby put them on the tree!" Erin said

"Roger that Gilbert!" Holtzmann said taking the cardboard box and taking handfuls of the strings of lights flinging them around her neck and arms like they're accessories cat walking towards Abby and Erin. Abby chuckled shaking her head as Holtz modelled the lights.

"God you're such a weirdo!" She said as Erin and her took the lights off her so they could put them on the tree they got for the firehouse.

"It's why you love me!!" Holtzy teased her chin resting on Abbys shoulder

"Unfortunately yes!" Abby said patting her friends head "Now help us get these lights strung properly"

"Alright hey when's Patty coming? I want her to be here on time to help put the other Christmas decorations on and the whole ceremonial putting of the star on top!" Holtzmann said once they finished and she tested to make sure every bulb was working.

"I'm actually not sure I texted her that we were putting up the Christmas decorations and gonna have some hot chocolate and Chinese food together to begin our first holiday season together and she just said 'K' which is weird of her she never texts like that" Abby said showing Erin and Holtzmann the messages

"Ya that is a little weird and like since thanksgiving began she's always kind of acted kind of weird like she hasn't been herself. I'm not gonna lie I'm actually really worried about her" Erin said sighing

"Ya me too Erin but don't worry she knows she can talk to us and if there is something wrong she'll say when she's ready and comfortable. Right now what we can do is just remind her that she's loved" Abby said

"Yeah you're right it's just odd though cuz Patty is one bad ass bitch who's tough as nails and even these little things it's just hard to see her going through them" Erin said

"I know but even if she doesn't wanna talk about it we have to respect that too we dunno how bad it could actually be.." Holtzy said a hand on Erins shoulder as Erin eased a bit from her touch blushing slightly and smiling at the blonde.

"Yeah I agree Holtzmann" Abby added as she smiled also herself being she knew how much Erin had a huge crush on Holtzmann. She had found out around a while back after Erin did confirm to Abby that she liked a girl and officially came out as bisexual which Abby welcomed immediately with open arms being a asexual biromantic who had a preference for women.Erin had swore left and right that she not tell Holtzmann being she wanted to move on and not wreck another great friendship by dating one of her other best friends but Abby really wanted them to work even though when she and Erin had a small fling they didn't work out but she wanted what was best for the both of them and supported whatever made Erin or Holtzmann happy and what Erin felt was best and let her know whatever decision she had was okay.

"Hey y'all! Sorry I'm late Mookie got himself in more shit again I need to buy that dumbass a helmet for uh-" Patty said arriving snapping the other girls out of their thoughts and conversion and then stuttered over saying the name of the holiday and remembering Abbys text and seeing a Christmas tree up.

"Christmas?" Holtzmann said her arm remaining around Erin.

"Yeah yeah..but oh god you wouldn't believe what happened this time!" Party said forcing a laugh changing the subject

"What happened?" Abby asked

"Okay not even Kevin has done anything this dumb and I thought Mookie was only half as stupid. He actually got himself locked in one of my Uncle Bills casket displays in the funeral home because he wanted to take a nap and hit his head trying to break out of it and I came in to hear him screaming and found that!" Patty said as the girls laughed

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