Five; Plan

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Adorable fanart 🥺💘

"I-it's your friend; Yeonjun..."


My mind went blank for some seconds.
How does he even know Yeonjun? I never told him about him...

"You're probably wondering how i know him...We knew each other before i met you, we are friends, kinda..." Taehyun said with a nervous tone. Question is why be nervous?

"O-oh okay..." I said, feeling disappointed. I think i know why by now, how come i fell for him that fast?

We met yesterday, and now i'm here, being a blushing mess at everything he says or does and feeling jealous because
he apparently has feelings for my best friend.

"I'm gonna go now, i have to do something..." Taehyun said, he seemed to be nervous for some reason and i could see he wanted to leave as soon as possible.

"Uhh okay, talk to you later!" I said and he gave me a forced smile and left.

Something isn't right here...
I guess i'll have to find out later.

Pov Taehyun

I sighed. Why did you do that Tae?!

I need to get to Yeonjun before Beomgyu asks him about me...

I found Yeonjun's address and took my bike i already use since my 11th birthday, it's a bit small, but surprisingly i can still ride on it.

~ 15.16

I reached his house in a short amount of time, but i can't breathe anymore...

Exhausted i rang the bell to see an excited yeonjun opening the door.

"Do you have the package?!" He asked jumping up and down meanwhile i just stood there running out of breath.

He looked at me in shock. "Are you okay?! Do you need water?!" He asked me and i smiled. He's friendly, Beomgyu is lucky to have such a good friend.

"Uhh...Yeh maybe...Can i come in?" I asked carefully. I didn't want to scare him.

To my surprise he nodded and let me in. This guy is once gonna get kidnapped or something else for sure. He has to be more careful.
(inspired by my other friend who is literally the same 🤡)

I closed the door after and waited for him to come back.

"Here's a glass of water, you can sit down there." He pointed at one of the chairs around the table and sat down himself on the chair accross from me.

"Thank you. You have to be more careful with strangers tho-" I said genuinely worried.

"But you aren't a stranger; you're Taehyun right?" He asked tilting his haid to the left.

"What?! H-how do you know that?" I stood up ready to leave in case it would be dangerous.

"Calm down...Beomgyu told me ofcourse! Who else?" He rolled his eyes, but in a teasing way.

I sat back down. Why would Beomgyu tell about his hacking assistant? I'm not that important to my clients.

"And how do you know how i look like??"

"Well, i'm not sure if Beomgyu gave me permission to tell ya..." He said looking away from me.

He sighed and rolled his eyes again. I must've looked desperate for the answer, because he proceeded to tell me now.

"He showed me a picture of you, kept looking at that picture, even when i sat beside him, so it's kinda logic that i now know how you look like..."

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