♥ Chapter X ♥

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"By all means," Zahair said, still smiling as he gestured to our group, "take your time."

Despite the sounds of amusement at my expense, I wasn't embarrassed. I struggled not to bite my lip and mess up my gloss to hold back a wide smile, and went to him. I might've ran, or lightly jogged—I couldn't get to him fast enough—and damn I felt stupid because I hardly even knew the guy. He caught me by the waist, confirming that I hadn't been very subtle about wanting to be close to him and that I very much ran.

"Hey, Red," he said, voice low just for me, smile wide, and brown eyes smoldering.

His name left me in a feather-like tone that made something in his expression change. It made warmth flutter in my belly.

"You said forty-five minutes," left my lips without warning.

He shrugged. "Waiting twenty didn't seem so bad."

My smile was wide, giddy. Pathetic. "Really?"

"My lucky night, you look more than ready to me." He eyed me as much he could with us leaned into each other.

I bit the inside of my cheek this time before I spoke. "You're especially lucky because I ditched the makeup," I whispered.

His eyes flittered across my face and his smile warmed. "Yes, I am."

"Okay, so are y'all just gonna stand there all night being corny or get out?" Nik said, his voice choppy and telling me he was still eating something.

"That was foul," Thion said even though he and everyone else let out humored sounds.

"What? It's gross."

"Ugh, shut up," Jada scolded her brother. "Just because you're lonely and alone, you loner."

"Ouu, I'm so hurt, boo hoo," Nik said, his tone sarcastic and flat.

Through all of this, Zahair and I stared at each other holding back grins. I looked over my shoulder to see Nik biting into a twinkie, the epitome of unbothered.

"Ready?" Zahair said, his eyes going over me again.

I nodded, leaning away from him.

"Don't forget your purse!" Jada called after us on our way out.

"And don't be fucking either!" Roland hollered.

Boisterous laughter followed us through the swing door, into the hallway between the kitchen and lounge. I barely paid attention to Jada shouting at Roland because my face was so uncomfortably hot with embarrassment that I had to stop and hide behind my hands.

There was a chuckle before Zahair held my wrists gently and pulled my hands away.

"I'm sorry," I said, unable to meet his eyes.

"Why?" he said, shaking his head. "I'm good. You good?"

I finally met his stare and felt better when he didn't look even a little overwhelmed. Like he goes through this every day. "They're just so..."

He cracked a small grin. My palms started sweating instantly. "They're just being goofy, don't worry about it." Then he shrugged and added, "Plus I don't give it up on the first date."

That got a laugh out of me—the sound half incredulous and half hysterical with amusement. "Man," I shook my head, giving him the flirtiest look I've got, "that's too bad. That's been on my bucket list for a while."

His expression went from humorous to dangerously hot. Grinning, I slipped my hands out of his and headed to the front door. I grabbed my purse from the rack.

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