Chapter 5: Baking Class

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"Pass the flour, please."
After a moment with no response, I turn my head to look at my partner. Aziz was hugging the bag of flour, staring absently at the other station where Jamie had partnered up with Charles for today's class.
"Where do you think he is taking Jamie?"
"I don't know. Pass the flour, Aziz."
He rolled his eyes and handed me the bag. While I was measuring the cups, he kept mumbling about 'sisters who don't tell stuff'. Aziz wasn't the jealous, overprotective kind, but they both were used to telling each other everything and he absolutely hates to not know things; This time, just to annoy him, Jamie was purposely keeping her date with Charles in secret.
"What are you doing, anyway?" He frowned at the mix that was supposed to turn into cookie dough soon.
"Peanut butter chocolate cookies." I answered, as if it was obvious. "This may be an elective class, but we still have to get passable grades."
Aziz couldn't bake even if his life depended on it, which made the fact he chose Culinary class very ironic. We usually partnered up and I always end up doing all the hard work.
"I see you're making cookies, but it looks like you're baking for the entire class and the other classes too."
"Everyone loves peanut butter chocolate cookies." I shrugged. "Besides, I'm going to do my Safety Rules for the Internet essay with Harry later. If he becomes too annoying I can just stuff his mouth with cookies."
Aziz laughed.
"Studying? Is that what you are calling it?" he put his elbows on the counter and looked at me, grinning.
"Shut up or I will stuff your mouth with cookie dough. Now, pass me the chocolate chips."
I add all the ingredients to the batter while Aziz chatters non-stop about the Tourney team training. He's still talking while I wait for the batter to rest and then while I put the dough to bake in the oven.
"Also, I'm thinking I should invite someone to the Neon Lights party. What do you think?"
"I think you should invite Ruby because she has had a crush on you for months now and you're just too oblivious to notice."
"It's not my fault you bewitched my soul and stole my heart and I spent the last year suffering from your rejection." Aziz takes a spoon and scrapes a little of the cookie dough that was left in the bowl.
"Less cheesy poetry and more work, mister romantic." I laughed, handing him the dishes and soap so we could start cleaning everything.
We both knew he wasn't being serious, at least not that serious. Like Jameela likes to remember me in every opportunity she has, last year Aziz and I had started a weird relationship after I impulsively kissed him one night. It ended as fast and abruptly as it began; something just felt very wrong, and I was so scared of things ending badly and losing him. I value him as a friend too much and risk that love and friendship didn't seem right especially when my failed relationship with Cynthia was still lingering around. Aziz was cool with everything but he and Jamie liked to make jokes about it just to tease me.
We clean while the cookies are baking, and when they are done I take the trays out of the oven and put it on the counter.
"Nice work, Aziz and Isabelle." Mrs. Quinn nodded in approval. "It's gold on the edges, perfectly balanced between soft and crunchy." She gives us the maximum grade for today's work which is nice considering Aziz was talking so much I almost forgot to add the baking soda. I give him some cookies for later and a few so he can give it to Ruby when asking her to the party, and packed some for myself. Charles and Jamie made a casserole that smelled absolutely divine (Mrs. Quinn was always asking Charles for Queen Tiana's famous fritadas recipe), while Jane and Carlos tried to bake a red velvet cake but it looked more like a pink disaster.
The bell rang for the last time that day, announcing it was officially weekend. Jamie stepped away from Charles, promising to text later, and joined us while we left the classroom.
"I can't believe it's finally friday!" Aziz shouted happily. Which was odd, because to me it felt like the week passed before my eyes in a flash.
"Oh, Evie texted. Girls night tonight, your dorm room." chatted Jamie.
"So, you were planning a party in my room and didn't bother to tell me first?" I poked her in the shoulders, giggling. Well, at least we will have enough cookies. "Please don't make me wear cucumbers on my eyes again, you know it does nothing."
"I have a new collection of face masks, you're going to love it! We'll be there at eight, try to not forget about that while you're in some pirate's strong arms."
"Aziz, can you make your sister shut up?" I turned to him.
"I could, but I don't want to." he chuckled.
"Traitors!" I exclaimed, the three of us laughing. We said quick goodbyes after Aziz reminded he had training now and Jamie wanted to get everything ready for tonight. She would also bring a lot of clothes for her to try it on so I could help her decide which one was better for her date.
I walked through the gardens, looking for a nice spot to start my homework. It was a nice day and in summer it was very common for students to spend the afternoon in the gardens, enjoying the sunlight and fresh air.
Looking around, I see Uma sitting on the grass, a magazine in her hands and a few VKs around her, playing and singing.
"Hi everyone, hi roomie." I greeted everyone, sitting by her side. "What are you reading?"
"This magazine Celia gave me. It's all gossip and stories about Auradon." she frowned. "It says here that Audrey is back with that prince Chad." she paused, biting the cookie. "Oh, this is so good."
"Yeah, they have a weird on and off relationship." I shrugged, trying to read the magazine from over her shoulders. "Well, at least this week no one made a piece about my disaster at the chemistry lab."
"I thought it was fun." Uma grinned.
"It's a shame you're the only one to recognize my talents in making colored foamy explosions." I put my hand on my chest and dramatically professed the words. Everyone laughed. She held her hand, offering a fist bump.
"You're part of our crew now, girl."

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