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Hanbin and Lisa has been sparring straight four hours of Muay Thai and as much as she wants to keep up with his obsession and enthusiasm with the sport. 

She's certain there's more to this than just athletics this time..

And her little spacing out gave his bastard partner in crime the perfect opportunity to beat her ass, She felt the intense impact of Hanbin's tornado and back kick combo over her torso, it all happens too fast, she didn't see them coming and the next thing she knew her body's flying mid-air hitting the corner of the ring, it was too strong that she landed on the floor with a loud thud.. 

"YAH, YOU TRYING TO MURDER ME WITH TAEKWONDO YOU DIPSHIT..??!!" Lisa snarled in half scream the moment she recover from the blow attacking a laughing Hanbin with unlimited punches like a professional boxer.. 

"YOU'RE CHEATING BASTARD..??!!" She's fuming and outraged while the still snickering punk is now defending himself with every attack she's able to connect cuz Lisa is a tough cookie or just monster in general she's desperate to get even or at least she could try.. 

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU..!!!!" In her fighting form position she took two jumpsteps backwards, (she's a badass with her footwork too)before launching herself forward, storming Hanbin in full force using her whole body aiming for a headlock, she succeeded cornering the latter against the ropes, grabbing him and locking both her arms in place all around his neck but Hanbin uses the rope as leverage and quickly made a run through the ropes dragging Lisa along with him forcing a 360 back flip that caught Lisa off guard once again, But his wrath didn't end there, The moment he escaped her grip as she lost all her balance flipping through mid-air Hanbin steps right back up in his defense position and blow a drop kick in the right perfect timing and he can only manage a half-ass sorry not sorry Oopps while he watch her body drop dramatically.. 

Her back fell flat against the ring floor forcing a painful coughing off her throat, causing her to curl like a ball in the side.. Sure her first fall earlier got into her but this one really hurt like a bitch and she's not going to fake it as if she's alright cuz seriously she's not.. Her ego was bruised and so as her pride.. 

"Are you just gonna lay there all night or what..??" There goes Hanbin and his fucking dick attitude Lisa can just roll her eyes.. 

"Help me get up you ass.." She hissed feeling bitter, The latter complied without any nasty comeback, He bend over offering a hand but as soon as she leans to reach for it twisting the innocent arm while both her lower limbs find their way to caged Hanbin's torso, making the duo rolling through the flatform in such compromising position. 

"You just damaged my pride Hanbin, I cant just let it go like that.." She's so mad for being cheated on. 

"Really..?? I was actually aiming for your mind-blown ego, you know I can never break your heart.. I love you so much.." He reckoned, still with the grinning face on that the latter loves to wipe out using a steal chair if possible.. 

"Says by the douche who just went Mortal Combat on me, wow fairly believable.." Lisa replied sardonically.. The glares are still there.. 

"You know I'm just going easy on you right..?? But I think you're not a fan of my special treatment and I'm not that patient either.." Lisa is feather-light on his back, her lower limbs caging his entire middle frame along with both his arms restrained on each side of his figure, A great advantage for having long-slender legs like the one she has. 

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