Harry Potter facebook chatssss Created by meeeeeee >.<

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HI im new so sozz if thses arnt good but some are fuuny Perce isz outzz


Harry Potter has updated his status: Keep calm and Carry on

Ron Weasley: Is this a Muggle thing Harry

Hermione Granger: No you have to continue it like a chain

Ron Weasley: Oh Keep calm and love life

Harry Potter: Keep calm and destroy Voldemort

Lord Voldermort: Keep calm and kill Potter

Severus Snape: Keep calm and take 20 points from Slytherin

Harry Potter: >.< Keep calm and Haet Snape

Luna Lovegood: Keep calm and read the Quibbler

Hermione: Keep calm and shut it Luna


So how was it????? please




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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2012 ⏰

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