The Girl in the Rainbow Dress

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This is a story I started writing a few weeks ago during quarantine, but now I am back at school and don't have time to finish so I thought I should post it here even though it's no where near completed. I may finish it in the future but not right now.

Why is being gay considered abnormal? Liking the opposite gender changes nothing about a person. I feel it's stupid that coming out is something that almost definitely has to happen to every person who is not cis or straight. Like it makes no sense.

I raise my head from looking at my converse shoes, when I hear a car drive up to the curb ahead of me. I slowly move to the side of the curb with my camera in hand so that I'm not sticking out like a thumb in the middle of the deserted street. The car door opens and a couple of teenagers quickly rush out of the car. But everything slows down when I see her. She steps out of the car, first I see her sparkly high heels that could substitute for a disco ball, then I see her black hair and beautiful olive skin. Her hair looks like it has been tied up in braids at the back of her head rather than hanging down her back. Soon I see bright colours that were not already shown on the street under the yellow street lamps. A long flowy dress that looks like what would be worn by a Greek goddess, the dress holds many colours, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, all the colours of a rainbow. As she gets out of the car I decide to hold my camera up to my eye, through the lens the girl looks even more beautiful with her midnight black hair, rainbow dress and sparkly shoes. As she walks past the yellow street light, I snap a photo of her beauty so I can keep it in my memory.

I start to question to myself where these people have come from? Could it be a prom? Wedding? Any other fancy event? It is most likely that it is a prom as all the people that exited the car are around 16 which is my age. After all of the party members enter the house, I look down at my outfit, I feel so plain with my beige swing dress and converse. Once the coast is clear I shuffle out from my hiding spot, do a 180 turn on my heal and start walking south to go home.

I open the front door to my average suburban home and the first thing I hear is music, specifically rock music. I walk into the living room to say goodnight to my mother who has fallen asleep on the couch again after a long day at work. To go over to her, kiss her on the cheek and cover her with a blanket. I turn off the music then quietly walk over to the side of the staircase where my bedroom door is located. I enter my room and immediately flop onto the bed.


The sun shines down brightly on my face as I exit my house after I quickly say bye to my tired mother while my siblings are screaming at her. I close the door and then start my journey down the bitumen road towards wherever my feet take me. I always prefer to be out walking and taking photos rather than staying in my noisy household that houses me, my mum and my 4 younger siblings who were all adopted. As they are all much younger than me, my mum spends most of her time either working or looking after them so I don't get as much attention as them. That's fine though as I have the thing I love to do, take photos of beautiful things.

I soon realise that my mind has been racing and I haven't been watching where I am walking. I look up ahead of me and wait for my eyes to work as the blinding sun is nearby. The first thing I notice is that I've walked to an old playground and I realise it's the one I used to play on when I was around 6 years old. I walk over to the old rickety playground and see that girl there again.

It's her, the girl in the rainbow dress, now she's just dressed in casual leggings and a hoodie with her hair tied up in a messy bun that makes her look beautiful. She looks like she could be one of those really popular girls at my school who did nothing to get popular.

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