Mimi's description

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Aimee Thomas. A famous name spreaded world wide. But what was she like? What did she look like? Well your about to find out.

Mimi wasn't an ordinary girly girly you get in LA nowerdays no she was more of a lads girl. Most of her friends were boys but she has a few close friends that are girls as she was forced to go to an all girls school for 5 years. Anyways she was British. She wasn't skinny but wasn't fat, her stomach wasn't completely flat but no one saw that as she was mainly in oversized t-shirts and stuff. Her hair was dirty blonde with blonde high lights. Her green and brown eyes mixed made it look like you was looking into a time machine every time eye contact was made. She was a huge fan of football and golf and just sports in general. Some would say the perfect girl. She supports Liverpool so many disagreements are made with her guy friends as most of them are Man City fans. But her main love is food and alcohol. That is until the late late show by James cordon changes her life.

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