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6 months earlier.

"You know, we can slow it down just a couple paces, huh?" I huffed out lightheartedly, leaning myself against a tree for some support.

I grab at the tail ends of my backpack straps, one with my name written out in sharpie: "EVELYN".

My newfound travel buddy slowed to a stop ahead of me, placing his hands on his waist as he tilted his head towards the sky. He slowly turned to face me with a mocking smile on his face, breathing fairly heavily himself I might add. His green eyes lighting up with the lowering sun.

"Well Ev, if it were up to you we would make hardly any progress on this journey a day," he responded with a smirk.

I simply rolled my eyes taking steps towards him, "it's almost nightfall anyways! We're going to have to at least start setting up camp soon." And when I say setting up camp, that's an overstatement. It's really just us choosing a grassy area and setting up our backpacks as pillows to rest.

Life couldn't be more odd if it tried. Just two months ago, as far as I understand, most of the world dropped dead. No explanations, no rhyme, no reason. At least none yet. And now I'm on this trek in hopes to find my family halfway across the country with an annoyingly handsome, British exchange student from the college I was attending until the world stopped.

Our first meeting was dramatic to say the least, but it created a bond between us that in such little time has deepened. He agreed to come with me in my search, summing it up to the fact that his family are all overseas still. Assuming they're still alive, we aren't even sure if mine are still living. But it's something that gives us hope, something to live for. We didn't have much of that at the beginning of all this.

Neither of us have really opened up to each other about where we're at mentally in this. We make smart remarks and crack jokes, but it's plain to see neither of us are okay. We still don't know much about each other, not the deeper things. But our basic need for company has kept us intertwined, and at this point with all that we've been through together so far, I don't trust anyone else. Still though, I long to know more of him and to share with someone what haunts me and terrorizes my mind everyday.

I'll never forget the moment that we've termed "the drop". It was like any other Wednesday, getting coffee with my best friend, Beth, at our favorite coffee shop and–

I shake those thoughts away. Not now.

Eyes focused on him, I continue to walk forward to where he stands. His brown curls under his backwards baseball cap gently moving in the wind and his eyes ever piercing into the depths of my soul. He was difficult to read most of the time, I honestly wasn't completely positive he necessarily enjoyed my company with how stand-offish he's been since we've met. Though each day I feel we're chipping away at this incredibly thick exterior of a front he puts.

Or maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part.

I, on the other hand, am typically very open and trusting with people to a fault. We can't afford to risk it with strangers in this new life. We learned that early on...

But all that to say we compliment each other very well and work effectively as a team. And I hope he's starting to see me as at least a friend by now?

I'm a few steps away from him when my foot gets caught on an above ground tree root. I gasp as I fall forward, arms out stretched. When I feel two strong hands catch me by the elbows and I reciprocate grabbing onto two biceps. My long brown hair messily covering my face, I look up slowly to his face, inches apart from mine, that was full of concern.

"Um... than–," I'm interrupted as in just a split second his eyebrows furrow, his mouth goes in a line and he pulls me upright, distancing himself.

"Will you watch where you're going?? I can't afford to have to make sure you're not falling all over the place all the time." He turns and continues walking the direction we've been going for hours.

And there it is. Any chance there's a slight moment of vulnerability, it goes straight out the window. Leaving me constantly emotionally frustrated.

Good night. You give me the worst whiplash with your moods.

I stare at him for a second as he walks away sourly. I start following his trail now, choosing instead to watch my feet as I walk and follow his footprints in the dirt.

I'm very well aware that I am pretty clumsy, thank you very much. And I'm also well aware that it has shown itself often these last couple months! But come on, walking day in and day out on rough terrain with me is just asking for trouble and I really don't appreciate–

"Oof," I grunt as I walk right into this wall of a man. I stumble back and fall on my butt.

"...Ev" He states as I work to stand back up.

"It was an accident!" I yell frustrated as I wipe away the dirt off my high waisted shorts and legs.

"Ev." He states in a much shorter tone, but still facing ahead.

"I was looking down watching where I was going! How am I supposed to know you're just gonna pause with no warning?!" I straighten out my shirt and push my hair out of my way.



He reaches behind, grabbing my wrist pulling me by his side and I look at him incredulously.

He looks over to me with a grin so big it reveals a dimple. I've never seen him smile in such a way before and for a moment everything is still and at peace. I feel I could sit in it forever. He gently grabs me by the chin and I hold my breath, absolutely dumbfounded by whats happening. Weren't we just arguing?

He turns my face outward to the direction we were walking and points. As I follow where his finger leads, I notice what has caught his attention.

About 50 feet away from us, secluded in these woods we've been traveling for what seems like a lifetime is a lovely two story house. I look back to him and my grin now matches his.

He quickly grabs my hand and starts racing towards the house and I bolt forward and try to match his speed. We make it to the lawn in front of the front porch and look on in awe at this beautiful miracle.

There are towns that we will every so often enter for supplies and food. But from experience we found it was best to avoid outsiders at all costs and choose to spend most of our travels where we will least likely encounter them. So to find a home in the middle of the woods, that appears fully furnished, is something we would dream of but never actually think would happen.

We're breathing hard from our sprint but he takes a step forward towards the steps of the porch. I grab his arm quickly, "do you think it's safe, H?"

He looks back at me, "Only one way to find out. Stay put."

I nod giving a small smile as H makes his way up the porch and turns the doorknob. That's another thing about my friend. I don't even know his name yet, he tells me that it's not important and shuts down the conversation when I try to pry. I've accepted it by now and I'm waiting for the day he finally trusts me enough to open up. For now, H will have to do.

He opens up the door slowly, revealing only darkness on the inside as he steps inside. I anxiously await for him to come back out.

A couple minutes go by and the front door opens wide now, revealing a very smitten H. He opens his arms out wide and confidently states, "Ev, I welcome you to a safe haven for us drifters."

My smile grows and I bounce a bit out of joy and look to the safe haven. The perfect description of what this place truly feels like.

He turns back to walk in the place and this time I follow, holding on to the wooden railing up the steps. As I make it to the door, I place my hand on the door frame and glance back out to the vast, never ending woods and smile.

It's time for these drifters to finally rest for a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2022 ⏰

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