Chapter 2

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Ok just to clarify Y/N means your name. Just for everyone who is nee to this and didn't know that. Ok back to Chapter 2.

You try to sleep but you cant. The thought of Green wouldn't let you sleep, someone opened the door to you room. You stay still, it could be the impostor. The person closed the door then sat on your bed next to you. This scared you very much, they took your hand then kissed it gently. You heard them whisper, it sounded like Red.

Red?: One day, my love, I will have you as my own. I wont let anyone get in my matter what I have to do....even if I have to murder them..

Now THIS scared you. Someone is a yandere for you. "Great, does everyone here like me or something?" You thought. When they got up you quickly turned your head to see who it was. It was Red...When he left your room that finallygave you some time to think. "Dang, he wants me bad" you thought. You wonder if he killed Green because Green liked you. This made sense but "what if Cyan and Purple like me too?" You thought. This all made your head hurt. You calmed yourself down and finally feel asleep.

Next Morning Time Skip.

You woke up. You wondered if the whole thing with Red was a dream, you didn't want to get out of bed you were to stressed to be ready for the day. You lied there for a while, then you heard a knock on your door.
Y/N: come in...

It was Purple, Red and Cyan.

Purple: You ok? You haven't gotten out of bed all day...
Y/N: Yeah...I'm fine.
Cyan: No your not. You have tears in your eyes. What's going on White?

You hand them the note that Green wrote you.

Y/N: Read it. But first get out of my room so I can change.
Purple: Umm, ok? Why will this piece of paper explain it?

Cyan slapped Purple in the back of the head.

Cyan: Bro, dont be a jerk and question! Shes going through some crap!
Cyan: Hahaha...we'll leave.
Y/N: That's what I thought.

All three of them left. So I changed into my suit. When I walked out of my room Purple, Cyan and Red were still reading the note.

Y/N: Yall are still reading it?
Red: Oh, no were just reading it again to make sure were reading this right.
Y/N (Whisper): Am I surrounded by idiots!?
Cyan: So Green had a crush on you?
Y/N: Y-Yeah.
Purple: Did you like him back?
Y/N: *sigh* A little. But, now that hes gone theres no point. I'm gonna go look around in his room to try and remember all those memories while I can...
Cyan: Ok. We understand.

You walked towards Greens room. When you enter you imagine you and Green sitting on the floor laughing at a joke or something Green said. It made you cry a bit...You see boxes of stuff under his bed. You pull out one of the boxes, they were drawings and pictures of you you never knew Green was such a good artist. It scared you a bit but made you happy that he cared. You pulled out another box and opened it. It was his diary. You decide to read a page of it, it said
The girl White I had fallen for, I think I'm in love with her even more. I hope she likes me back, shes the most kindest person I've ever met. It might be weird to think of this stuff to early but I want to marry her and maybe have kids together. I just love her too much.
You put the diary back in the box and slide it under the bed. You get up off the floor and start to walk out of his room. When you reach the door you say your final goodbye and leave.

Hey guys!!! I'm sorry for the short chapter QwQ. I am so busy working on all 4 stories at once, but is for you guys, so I dont care. I might not release the Henry Stickmin story for a while because I have completely run out of ideas for that one ;-; the soonest I will release it is sometime in December. The latest is probably early 2021. I know a long time, but I'm not sure. But as always
Stay Awesome Stay Sweet and I'll see yall later!!

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