Part two

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He licked me!?
Y/n: what are you doing!*surprised, blushing*
Tsukki: heh relax I was just getting the cream off of your face...
I was bright red. I didn't know what to do. Then suddenly i heard a sound outside. I opened the door and ran outside.
Tsukki: where are you going?
I saw kageyama just got.
Y/n: hey kageyama-kun!
Kageyama: hey y/n! What are you doing?
Y/n: nothing just eating with Tsukki-kun! Come over and eat with us!
Kageyama: okay sure just give me a minute.
Y/n: okay!
I ran back inside my house and we waited for kageyama.
Tsukki: why'd you ignore me?
Y/n: sorry Tsukki i went to go talk to Kageyama-kun!
Tsukki: yeah yeah okay its fine.
Y/n: thanks tsukki!
After some time kageyama arrived, he was wearing some more dark colored clothes.
Tsukki: what took you so long?
Kageyama: I was trying to find my regular clothes...
Y/n: your other clothes were fine too kageyama! Anyways-sit down and eat with us!
Kageyama: 'kay thanks.
Kageyama was only able to eat less then half of the food.
Kaeyama: sorry y/n, I'm full now, I ate too mang of c/n's sandwiches, they were really good.
Y/n: ...oh its okay-don't worry! I thought they were pretty good too! Hehe*forceful laugh*
Kageyama: right! They are so good! After you guys left I asked her for two more plates for the sandwiches! *he smiled*
Y/n: thats good...*smiled back*
I smiled but inside it hurt a lot. He always told me that my food was the best. But now he likes her food more then mine. Its okay-he's happy. Thats all that mattered to me.
Kageyama: anyway thanks for the food y/n! I have to go now! Ill see ya tomorrow! Bye.
Y/n: bye! *smiled*
After kageyama left I dropped my head and wrapped my arms around my knees, covering my face.
Tsukki: quit getting upset. You shouldn't have asked her to hang out with us today.
Y/n: I know...but I just wanted kageyama to be happy...
Tsukki: why do you always think about him, have you every thought about thinking about what you wanted?
Y/n: kageyama's happy...then I'm happy..
Tsukki: Is that what you really think? Are you sure that makes you happy?
Y/n: yes...
After a while of silence.
Y/n: tsukki...?..
Tsukki: yeah?
Y/n: can I ask you something?
Tsukki: ....what is it?
Y/n: what makes you happy..?
Tsukki: ...I don't know..
Y/n: c'mon tell me! Please?
I looked up at tsukki.
Tsukki: *sigh* fine. Then...there's this girl..
Y/n: you have a girlfriend!?
Tsukki: what-no! Its just a girl I like..I've liked her for a long time now...but she likes someone else...shes always getting hurt but decides to not move on..I can't bear the thought of her letting herself get hurt just for the one she loves...
Y/n: ...will you ever tell her how you feel..?
Tsukki: no. I wont ever tell her.
Y/n: why not?
Tsukki: because..she doesn't like me back..
Y/n: never know unless you try...?
Tsukki: I don't want to risk it...for me its makes me happy just from watching her from afar.
I just stared at Tsukki.
Tsukki: ...what...?
Y/n: thats cute...
Tsukki: w-what do you m-mean!?
Y/n: I never thought you could like somebody.
Tsukki: why?!
Y/n: because of your scary looking face.
Tsukki: what?
Y/n: I-nothing. Its nothing. Anyways, I want to just tell you that you will get a special someone when the time is right, so don't rush it, okay?
Tsukki: just said something that made sense. Thats amazing!
Y/n: what?! What are you trying to say!?
Tsukki: that your a little dummy.
Y/n: I'm gonna get you!
I got up and ran towards him, but tripped and fell on top of him.
Y/n: ah! Are you okay?
Tsukki: your....really...heavy.
Y/n: you meanie!? Fine the. I'm going to just stay here! Hmph!
I looked up to Tsukki. We were both looking st each other at the same time.
Y/n: ah-I'll get off n-now. *blushing, trying to avoid eye contact*
Tsukki: y-yeah good idea...*blushing a bit*
Y/n: you should probably get going now..want me to drive you home?
Tsukki: yeah okay.
We walked outside to the car. It was really cold.
I was shivering until tsukki put his second sweater over me.
Y/n: ! Thanks..
Tsukki nodded to me as a 'no problem' signal.
We were in the car, tsukki was driving since he insisted.
Y/n: I'm gonna play some music, anything you want to listen to?
Tsukki: no anythings fine.
Y/n: okay.
I then grabbed the aux chord and plugged it too my phone, I chose "Lemon" by Kenshi Yonezu
(I really like this song hehe ;) the lyrics are amazing)
Tsukki: this song is nice...
Y/n: yeah...a perfect love story...heh sounds nice.
We arrived at Tsukki's house.
Y/n: goodnight tsukki! See ya at school!
Tsukki: night, you too!
Surprisingly tsukkis brother was waiting outside for him i think.
Akiteru(tsukki's bother): hey kei, is that your girlfriend?!
Tsukki: what-no shes not, just a friend...*blushing*
Akiteru: aww that sucks, she looks like she would be a great girlfriend! Anyways lets get inside.
After I started driving back home. During the drive home I barely realized that I was still wearing tsukki's sweater.
Y/n thinking: I'm still wearing his sweater-I'll have to return it to him on Monday at school.
I then started to play "kawaki wo ameku" by Minami (i also love her songs) on the drive home.
I arrived home and went straight to bed, I was really tired.
The next day.
I woke up, showered, and got dressed. I wore a oversized shirt and sweats. I didn't have anything to do today, so I just stayed home.
I was just chilling at home until Someone rung the doorbell.
Y/n: who is it?
???:its me!
I could tell by the voice that It was c/n. I opened the door.
Y/n: hey c/n. What are you doing here? Did you need something?
C/n: hey y/n! I need your help.
Y/n: oh okay come in.
C/n: okay I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the mall with me?
Y/n: sure but why?
C/n: see..i need to choose a dress have dinner with me....and I wanted to look my best for him..*blushing*
Y/n: oh...okay! Just wait here. Ill go get dressed then we can go
C/n: okay!
I ran to my room. It felt as if my heart had just broken into a million pieces.
Y/n thinking: kageyama actually asked her out... On a date.. he must really like her then...
I tried to cheer up and then I dressed up in a short white dress. And a light sweater. I grabbed my bag and went back out to c/n.
Y/n: I'm ready lets go!
C/n: okay!
Y/n: we can take my car so its not too much trouble for you.
C/n: oh okay.
We walked to my car and went to the mall.
Y/n: want to listen to some songs?
C/n: sure! How about "lost umbrella" by Inaba Cumori and Kaai Yuki?
Y/n: sure.
We listened to the song on the way to the mall.
We chatted along the way as well.
We then arrived at the mall and walked into a dress store.
C/n: I want to wear like a dark colored dress, since it would look nicer.
Y/n: okay the. I'll look on one side and you can look on the other.
We then split up.
After a while of looking at dresses I needed to use the bathroom.
Y/n: c/n I'll be back Im going to the bathroom.
C/n: okay.
I walked to the bathroom and looked around at all the other stores. Then suddenly bumped into someone.
Y/n: ah!-sorry!
I didn't look at there face but apologized and kept walking.
After I used the bathroom someone slammed me against the wall.
Y/n: who-what are you doing!?
???:your pretty~
Y/n: thank you now please let me go.
???: no. I'll keep you like this.
The stranger started leaning into my face going in to kiss me. I tried to move my face away from his, but he grabbed my face and faced it toward his. But before he kissed me someone punched him to the ground.
Y/n: ?!
I looked to see who it was. It was tsukki.
Y/n: thanks tsukki-wait what are you doing here?!
Tsukki: I'm here with my brother to get some clothes for him for his school dance or something-what are you doing here?
Y/n: I'm here with c/n..getting dresses.
Tsukki: okay..then why are you with this creep?
Y/n: I just got out from the bathroom. Anyway how did you find me? Were you following me?!
Tsukki: well yeah-did you not see me?
Y/n: what do you mean?
Tsukki: you bumped into me you idiot.
Y/n: oh that was you? Oh well it all makes sense now-well I have to go back now.
Tsukki: I'll walk with you.
Y/n: why?
Tsukki: because you'll probably meet another pervert.
Y/n: ahehe yeah..
We talked to each to each other while we walked back to the dress shop.
Tsukki: why are you guys getting dresses anyways?
Y/n: well not me but c/n came to my house so we could go get dresses because...kageyama...asked her to dinner..
Tsukki: ..oh..then...lets go somewhere...
Y/n: no its fine I don't want to force you to do it if you don't want to-
Tsukki: its fine. We could go both go somewhere nice. *smiled*
Y/n: oh o-okay i guess*blushing a bit*
We arrived
C/n: y/n!? Are you okay!? Why'd you take so long!?
Y/n: sorry I ran into some trouble.
C/n: oh...why is tsukishima here?
Y/n: I ran into him on the way back heh.
C/n: oh okay then since your both here help me choose so 1 or 2?
Dress #1 was a long dark blue tight fitted dress with a slit down the side. Dress #2 was a short off the shoulder black dress with rhinestones that ran along the sleeves and the hem of the dress.
Y/n: uhh maybe the first one? What do you think tsukki?
Tsukki: The first one.
C/n: okay then I'll get the blue one, thanks guys. *smiled*
Y/n: no problem!
After c/n called an uber home because tsukki said were gonna stay longer.
Y/n: why'd you tell c/n we were gonna stay a bit longer?
Tsukki: you forgot already?
Y/n: what do you mean?
Tsukki: weren't we gonna go somewhere later? We are staying here longer so we could get you an outfit. Dummy.
Y/n: oh yeah-I am not a dummy!
Tsukki: thats what a dummy would say.
Y/n: stop! Now are you gonna dress up too?
Tsukki: no. Why would I?
Y/n: because I'm dressing up too.
Tsukki: but I don't need to dress up.
Y/n: neither do I, but you said I should so shouldn't we both just dress up? Lets make a deal.
Tsukki: what kind of deal?
Y/n: If you dress up with me you can choose what I wear and Ill choose what you wear, okay?
Tsukki: hmm, i guess, okay lets do it.
Y/n: okay then well meet up back here at 4:00
Tsukki: okay.
Y/n thinking: since it is 2:00 I have two hours to get Tsukki's outfit, hopefully its enough time. But what if he gets me a funny looking outfit? Should I get him a funny outfit? But what if he gets a nice outfit for me? This is so stressfulll!!!
I walked inside of a mens clothes store and started looking around.
Worker: hello miss, did you need help looking for anything today?
Y/n: hi, and yes I need a suit.
Worker: oh, let me guess-is it for your lover?
Y/n: oh-no its for a friend. Hehe I would like....
Meanwhile with tsukki
Tsukki thinking: what do girls wear anyway? Do they need to wear a specific kind of dress for s specific kind of day? Or do they just get any dress on? Ill just ask a worker.
He walked into the dress store.
Worker: hello, welcome, did you need help looking around?
Tsukki: yeah...I need to look for a nice dress.
Worker: okay-follow me I'll show you some of our dress options.
Tsukki: okay.
After two hours.
Y/n thinking: I didn't know what to choose for tsukki! I just chose which ever one I liked. Hopefully he likes it. I have a little surprise for him later hehe
I waited for him at the spot we were supposed to meet at. I waited for a couple more minutes 'till tsukki arrived.
Y/n: what took you so long!?
Tsukki: I didn't know which dress to choose so it took a while...
Y/n: okay well anyways-are you gonna ride home with your brother?
Tsukki: no he went home already because I told him that I was gonna stay longer.
Y/n: okay then we can go to my house to get ready.
We waled to the my car and drove to my house.
The car was very quiet and awkward.
Y/n: did you plan a place for us to go to?
Tsukki: yeah.
Y/n: where?
Tsukki: not telling.
Y/n: why?!
Tsukki: because its a surprise. So just be patient
Y/n: fine. Hmph!
We arrived at my house.
After we grabbed all our bags from the trunk kageyama had walked out of his house.
Y/n: hey kageyama-kun! Where you going?
Kageyama: hey y/n! I was going to go get dinner with c/n!
Kageyama was wearing a white suit. He looked amazing. He seemed to be really happy. Even more happy then when he hung out with me.
Y/n: oh..okay..make sure to compliment her, open the door for her, pick her up and drop her home on time, and lastly make sure to have your table manners!
Kageyama: okay got it! Thanks y/n! Your the best!
Y/n: no problem! *smiled*
Then kageyama drove off in his car, going to pick c/n up.
Tsukki: lets go get ready.
Y/n: oh-yeah okay lets go.
We went inside the house.
Y/n: you can go first here
I gave him my surprise. He then went to change. Then he came out wearing the outfit.
I had bought him a dinosaur wendys .
Tsukki: I'm not going out in this.
Y/n: but it looks cute haha *laughing* here take this outfit. *hands him the actual outfit*
Tsukki: thanks...
Y/n: yup!
He came out wearing the outfit. It was a white collar shirt with a black velvet blazer. It had black pants. I also gave him some dark brown fancy shoes to match. For accessories, i bought him a watch, belt, and necklace .
Y/n: what do you think?
Tsukki: its not that bad, it looks nice..but this is all really expensive, why did you buy me a watch?
Y/n: because it looked nice and don't worry if it was expensive or not, I work hard for that money so you better keep the watch!
Tsukki: okay okay-now its your turn.
He passed me some clothes.
Y/n: okay!
After changing I walked out and showed him.
Tsukki bought me a skinny strapped red dress that was shorter in the front and got longer in the back. It was very flowy and airy. It had a darker red ribbon supporting my waist. He bought me a hair pin that showed my spelled my first initial with diamonds. I then wore some black heels with the dress. And a necklace that I bought for myself.
Y/n: all done! The dress is nice...good job tsukki!
Tsukki: yeah...
Y/n: did you notice anything..?
Tsukki: ...what do you mean..?
Y/n: we have matching necklaces! See! Your is the moon and mine is the sun!
Tsukki: oh...yeah..*puts head down*
Y/n: ah-tsukki you okay?
I walked over to him and looked at his face to see if he was okay.
Tsukki: Im fine..lets just go..
Y/n: okay!
I got up and then we walked to the car.
Tsukki: I'll drive.
Y/n: oh okay.
We just talked a bit while driving, i had no idea where we were going. I just had to wait and see..
To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2020 ⏰

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