Chapter 3

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“Not at all, love. You’re only human, after all, so you still have your needs.” He said, waving it off like nothing more than a trivial matter, and you squeezed your thighs together when every graceful twist of his wrist made you feel ten degrees hotter. “I’d be more than happy to help alleivate that little problem of yours, though I am a bit preoccupied at the moment ...”

His kaleidoscope eyes flitted over your shoulder with a pointed look and, tensing, you turned to find another follower taking up the spot you’d occupied only moments before. The bearded man didn’t even seem to notice you sitting there, bowing so deeply that his forehead touched the floorboards. You whipped your head back around, swallowing hard around your suddenly bone dry throat, and Douma offered you a helpless shrug.

“I don’t mind.” You blurted before you could think better of it. All you were certain of was that you couldn’t let this opportunity to receive a personal blessing from the head of Eternal Paradise himself slip through your fingers and there was no telling if his offer would still stand later. “It would be an honor, regardless of time or place.”

Douma’s dark brows shot up in overexaggerated surprise. “Or who might be watching?”

You nodded. “If you’ll have me then nothing else matters, Douma-sama.”

“Well then,” He cooed, looking positively smug as he shifted atop the cushions before flattening his palm against the front of his pants and squeezing. “I can’t very well turn away one of my precious little lambs in her time of need, now can I? Get me ready, dear, and don’t dawdle.”

You were moving forward before you even fully comprehended it - what you were doing, what he was agreeing to, what the others might think. It all bled away to background noise, cushioned within the comforting crimson embrace of this plane of existence. Your body was thrumming with nervous energy, not because everyone in the worship hall would have a front-row seat to watch your baser instincts take over, but because it was Douma-sama and you wanted so badly to please him. Impress him with your sexual prowess which abruptly seemed to you like it was lacking in every conceivable way. The thought of disappointing him filled you with dread, making your hands tremble as you carefully clasped his belt and got to work unbuckling it.

Douma’s long fingers abandoned the front of his pants in favor of tangling in your hair, closing down around the roots and urging you closer still with a sharp tug. Your breath hitched, heat rushing to your cheeks, but you acquiesced and bent further over his lap until your nose seemed like it was mere inches from the bulge hiding just beneath the loose cotton. It twitched before your very eyes with growing interest, not quite thickening and lengthening out yet but clearly stirring to life. You finally managed to fumble the belt loose, reaching inside to grasp the mostly soft cock in your clammy palm, and then Douma’s melodically lilting voice washed over you as he addressed the follower prostrated before him on the other side of the apple colored curtains.

“It looks like something is bothering you today, child. Please don’t hesitate to confide in me. You know I’m a good listener.”

“Of course, Douma-sama.” The man said, not even acknowledging your presence for a brief moment before unloading all his woes. Something about his daughter being very sick and how he feared for her life, both this and the next.

It felt like you were listening in on something you had no right to be privy to and, stealing a quick peek at Douma’s face, you were unsurprised but still slightly disappointed to find that all his attention was focused on the man who was quickly working himself up into a tearful fit. You frowned, giving the cock in your hand a few pumps in an attempt to further rouse it. The spongey, meaty flesh merely twitched against your fingers though and you quickly realized that you were going to have to try harder than this to get him ‘ready’.

Drawing a steadying breath, you opened your mouth and drew the pliable appenage past your lips. Douma’s thighs tensed but that was the only reaction you got, his tone as pleasantly even and persuasive as ever when he expressed sympathy for the man’s predicament. It was still something though and, feeling emboldened, you suckled on the tip with renewed determination to satisfy him.

The salty, bitter flavor of his cock bloomed across your tongue and you moaned, leaning further over his lap until the peaks of your breasts brushed the tatami mat below. Fresh sparks of pleasure raced through your body, making you shudder as you took him further into your mouth. After a prolonged moment of working your tongue over the glans and laving the underside in eager kitten licks, you were pleased to note that Douma’s cock gradually started to react to your ministrations. Thickening and lengthening out, stretching your lips wider apart the more it expanded. You’d thought it couldn’t get any bigger than that but then it twitched enthusiastically and you suddenly felt it poking at the back of your throat, making you gag before you could catch yourself.

Drawing back for a gasp of fresh air, you only had but a split second to breathe before the hand in your hair was shoving you back down. The muscles in Douma’s arm flexed, exerting enough pressure to force you down over his cock again, and you went ramrod stiff when it insistently bumped your tonsils. Reflexive tears sprung up in your eyes, blurring your vision as you frantically tried to force your muscles to relax. It was a useless endeavor though and, using his grip on your scalp, Douma twisted your head down until the glans forcefully slipped into your throat.

You jerked, one hand slapping against the floor for support while the other fisted in his pants, choking around the intrusion. He didn’t even seem to notice though, casually holding you down as he conversed with the other follower as if nothing was out of place.

“I understand your concerns,”

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