Chapter 1 ~ Arrival

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"Mom? MOM?!" Morishige yelled up the stairs. "Yes?" His mother called back. "Are you leaving yet? My friends will be here in *looks at watch* 2 MINUTES!" He yelled frantically. "Alright, alright!" She answered rushing down the stairs. She stopped and looked at him for a second, her hand brought up to her mouth. "Can I help you?" Sakutaro asked, sarcastically. His mother leaned forward and ruffled up his hair and straightened his jacket. "Mom!" He moaned pushing her off of him. "Alright! Alright! I'm going!" She insisted. She gave him a quick peck on the cheek, put her shoes on and exitted the house.

"Oh hello, Mayu! How are you?" Morishige heard his mother's voice say as she left. (fuck! No! I told her not to talk to my friends....especially Mayu!) He quickly rushed to the door. "Mom, leave." He muttered. She looked at him, a hint of confusion in her face but after a couple of seconds she got the point. "Okay, I'm off then! Remember, no alcohol. And no...funny business." She ordered. "Mom!" Morishige groaned. Mayu giggled and punched Morishige in the arm. "Don't be rude! She's just looking out for you!" She said, skipping into the house. "O-of course." Morishige stuttered, watching her enter. His mom laughed and left. She got half way down the drive way before turning back around. (JUST LEAVE ALREADY!) "Sakutaro?" She said firmly. Morishige suddenly looked a little startled by her tone. "Y-yes?" He answered nervously. "No funny business." She repeated. "What?" Morishige asked. "I saw the way you looked at her. No. Okay?" She said, a slight smile creeping onto her face. "What? Mayu? MOM!" He quickly looked behind him to make sure that Mayu wasn't in ear-shot. "You know what I mean, Sakutaro! I know it sounds messed up but unexpected things can happen during late night parties. Just don't go too far. That's all I'm asking." She ordered. (I wish...) "What? Mom? Just...ugh." Morishige slammed the door and sighed as if he'd been conversing with a serial killer. He looked through the peep whole and watched her car disappear into the night to make sure she'd actually leave instead of staying and spying on him and Mayu.

After he was certain she wasn't coming back, he turned and made his way into the living room to find Mayu slumped on the couch, eating the chips and dip he'd put out on the coffee table. "Wassup Shig-bro?" Mayu said through a mouthful of chips. "Oh, not a lot." Sakutaro answered smiling. It always made him smile when Mayu called him by a nickname. Whether it was "Shige-Nii" or "Shig-bro" or whatever. It didn't matter, he loved it.

"When are the others getting here?" She asked dipping another chip into the salsa. "Any minute, I think. I told them to arrive at 9 *looks at watch* It's now 9:15..." He answered. "Not like them to be late." Mayu noted shoveling more chips into her mouth. The doorbell went.

Morishige opened the door to Satoshi, Naomi and Yoshiki. "Sorry we're late Sakutaro!" Naomi said smiling. "Oh, no problem. Come on in!" He answered. "The others can't make it...we were at Yoshiki's and some shit went down and they said they weren't up for staying out any later." Satoshi explained as he entered the Morishige residence. Yoshiki had a clear look of humiliation on his smile "Y-yeah..." He said walking in. "What happened?" Morishige asked before they went through to the living room. Satoshi, Naomi and Yoshiki exchanged glances. A few moments passed before anyone spoke. "Well...." Naomi started, looking around at all of them. "Basically, we...played truth or dare...and some people had to do some stuff..." She smiled casually when she finished talking. Yoshiki could see Morishige's confusion and leaned over "I'll tell you later, bruh." He muttered. Morishige nodded in acknowledgement.

They went through into the living room, greeted Mayu and explained that the others weren't coming, had some chips and dip, ordered pizza, conversed the night away and in a few hours they were collapsed around the living room full of pizza and worn out from laughing uncontrollably through the night.

"blegh...I am so full." Naomi said looking around. The others all moaned in agreement. Morishige stood up and put his hands on his stomach. "Guys, don't try moving. I feel pregnant whenever I move a single muscle." He groaned. The others nodded and started to drift off to sleep as Morishige cleared up the pizza boxes and empty cans of soda.

He came back in and collapsed next to Mayu.

It didn't take long for them all to fall asleep.

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