Day two🍃

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Good morning guys, gals, and non-binary pals.

I'm kinda sad, I don't know why.

I'm no longer sad! Whoo!

I went to church this morning so I wore a cute little tennis skirt. I was really feeling myself dude.

After church I went outside "to play with the dogs"
....I really just needed an excuse to go outside because me randomly wanting to go outside is really suspicious.
So I was playing with the wind and it was nice, I can't create wind from nothing anymore but I can change its direction and make it stop/go faster.

The wind, who we will call Gale because we respect Olaf and Frozen II in this house, kept trying to lift my skirt.

So I slowed the wind down and I was so happy!

I realized to become the best aerokinetic I can be I gotta change a little.

I need to stop thinking things are just gonna be given to me. I have a "I want it I got it" attitude and I need to think of the wind as my friend and not like some dress at the mall that I can just get immediately.

I need to form a bond with Gale to be able to control it.


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