Among Us

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So, I was playing Among Us with my friend, right? For the sake of his privacy, let's call him C.

So C and I were playing as white and black, and there was this other person (Cyan) who asked is there was any women in the server, so me being me (And being a woman myself), I said no and told them that C was a woman (Which he is not, yet he played along and it was great). So Cyan goes "How do you know" I told them that I was right next to C (which I was), and they accepted it. Cyan also asked if they could call C "baby" or "bby" which he said yes to (Made the entire server uncomfortable).

Then, Red (who spoke in the third person and in all caps) asked if someone could be their friend, I said yes, because what are friends (Ignore the first line of this story, aight?).

So, game starts. Both C and I are crewmates. I run to electrical, then remember my friendship with Red, who soon ran in after me. Body's reported, orange dead.

I clear Red, saying we were in electrical and body was in admin. Debate, Cyan and C be weird, it's skipped.

Next round, Red and I stay together again, then run down to electrical, since I still had another task there. Red stands guard, Cyan runs in, kills me. I didn't know why until Red reports the body and I tell C that Cyan killed me. Red stays silent for a second (I think they were typing) and C says that Cyan killed me.

Then, Red finally speaks, saying something along the lines of "RED'S FRIEND DIED. RED SAW CYAN KILL FRIEND. VOTE RED OFF BECAUSE FRIEND DIED..." (At this point I was in the dead chat saying "No, red, no" and "Live for me" while yellow, who was also dead just went "Aw") "...VOTE RED OFF BECAUSE CYAN AND RED IMPOSTERS AND FRIEND DEAD"

At this point I was like "Plot twist" and Cyan says to C "I'm sorry bby. I was the imposter" then doesn't get voted off (For whatever reason) and I pat C's shoulder while we're both laughing.

Next round, I see Red vibing by the emergency meeting button, I go follow Cyan, Red calls meeting. C says that Cyan killed me (again) and then Cyan is like "I'm sorry" and Red goes again "VOTE RED OFF. RED AND CYAN IMPOSTERS" and Cyan gets voted off, then Red leaves the game. At that point, game ends, crewmates win.

And that's the story about how I got killed by my friend's idkwhattocallthem while my buddy watches.

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