Chapter One: Remember Me

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“Alyx! Some of the bands are arriving!” Raven Parker squealed.

“Jeez, kid! Calm down! You’re going to break my ear drums!” Alyx teased. Then her face turned serious. “Raven, can you take me to the bands? I’ll need to tell the newbies the rules, and most likely remind the older bands,” she explained.

“Yeah, sure. Let me grab my camera,” Raven answered. Raven was a pit reporter. She interviewed and took pictures of all the bands on the tour and wrote articles about them.

“Hurry!” Alyx called as Raven sprinted back to her bus.

The pale girl was back in minutes with her camera dangling around her neck. The pair walked over to the place that all the bands were parking. Raven ran up to the first bus she saw and pounded on the door of the first bus she saw.

“Raven! Knock it off!” Alyx snapped. Raven stopped bouncing up and down just as the door open.

“Uhm… Sorry, no fans right now,” the boy who opened the door said.

“We’re not fans. We’re roadies. And we’re here because Raven is a pit reporter and needs to take pictures, and I need to tell you the rules, cause you’re obviously newbies,” Alyx answered, rolling her eyes.

“Oh, sorry. Do you guys want to come in? I’m Jace, by the way.”

Alyx and Raven entered the bus, Raven snapping pictures.

“I’m Raven, and this is Alyx, the tour manager. She may act mean, but she's actually really nice,” she said eventually.

"Thanks for blowing my cover, Raven," Alyx said sarcastically.

"You're welcome!" Raven answered, just as sarcastic. Alyx chuckled at her friend, then turned to Jace.

"Where's the rest of the band? I need to hurry this up," she said impatiently.

"I'll go get them," Jace said right away. He walked to the back of the bus. Alyx and Raven heard a muffled conversation, and then footsteps, before Jace came back. He was followed by four other guys. Raven immediately snapped a picture.

"This is Blake, Ash, Griffin, and Evan," Jace introduced.

"Alyxandria, call me Alyx if you want to make it through this tour with all your limbs and organs. That's Raven. She's a pit reporter, so you'll be seeing her a lot."

Raven waved, and snapped another picture.

"Jace said you guys have some rules and shit to tell us?" Evan asked.

"Yup. First, don't go over your set time. Then we have to cancel sets and everyone is pissed. Second, don't be mean to Roadies. We'll mess up your instruments and make you look bad. It's happened before. Third, have a great fucking time!" Alyx said.

"Three rules?" Ash asked.

"Those, and if you're late I'll chop your balls off, so don't be late," Alyx clarified. The boys gulped.

"Okay, bye guys. We have to go visit some other bands, and some old friends. Adios. See ya on stage. Don't be late!" Alyx said. Her and Raven exited the bus.

"Who're we gunna visit now?" Raven asked, bouncing up and down again.

"ALYX!" someone yelled. She was tackled to the ground by four girls. Raven took a picture.

"Hi Rena. Hi Nia. Hi Julia. Hi Miranda. How're you?" Alyx chuckled.

"Great! We're so happy to be back on Warped!" Nia exclaimed, helping Alyx off the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2012 ⏰

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