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(A/N: These next chapters will prbably be written in Zoe's P.O.V just because I know hardly anything about men's gymnastics :D)

Zoe's P.O.V:

I woke up to the dreaded sound of my alarm going off. Groaning I hit snooze and squirm back under the covers, wrapping the duvet tight around me. "Zoe" I hear Vanessa mummer. "Your alarm woke me up." I laugh as she gets up and puts her onesie on. Soon after, Maisie woke up and Lily was the only one still asleep. I knew she was a heavy sleeper since we had stayed together many times before, and I knew there were only a few ways to wake her up. I told the others and we decide to fill a bucket with water. We hold it above her head and all of a sudden tip it so the ice cold water splashes her in the face. She shrieks. "What the hell guys!" She shouts angrily. We are pissing ourselves with laughter and she soon sees the funny side and joins in.

When we have eventually calmed down, we get changed into our onesies and make our way downstairs to the canteen to have breakfast. I take a tray and take some cereal and a slice of toast. Lily and I go and sit with Alfie and Dan. "Alfie!" I say, hugging him tight. He hugs me back and looks perplexed as he looked over my shoulder. I turn around and giggle at what I see. Lily and Dan are kissing each other, obviously in love. They immediately break apart when they see us staring at them. "Awwwww!" We cry in unison. "You guys are so cute!"

I eat my breakfast quickly before going back to our room, having a shower, and putting my leo and traksuit on. Maria comes in and does our hair and make-up when we have to get going to the centre. The balance beam, uneven bars and vault events are today, and the mens floor, high bar and parallel bar events are today, leaving only the men's vault for tomorrow. We get into the bus and about half an hour later we pull into the sports centre. We repeat yesterdays actions, warming up before we are lined up and march into the arena. My first event is the bars, so I get into my group and walk over to the bars before doing a quick warm-up on them. I sit with Maria, nervously fiddling with the straps around my grips. My turn comes quickly, and I walk up to the bars confidently, holding my head up high and smiling, even though inside my stomach is filled with butterflies.

I dip my hands in the chalk bowl and line myself up with the lower bar. I swing my arms and jump onto the bar, kipping into a handstand before bringing my legs back down and releasing in a straddle position. I grab the lower bar, turning giants. As I turn I pirouette every so often, and I release, twisting once before grabbing the bar again. I somersault back down to the lower bar, catching it just before my head smashes into it. I turn around it, not staying on it for long before I catch the upper bar again. I swing powerful giants, adrenaline pulsing through me. I release at the right point and turn a full twisting double back and landing relatively softly. My legs are shaking a bit as I present, but thats just nerves. I wait anxiously for my score to appear. I get a 15.750, putting me in fourth position. I grin, not so bad. The score for the rest of the events will be added together and we will get an average which will determine our places, so I've just got to perform my best on the other apparatus.

After a few hours it is time for our second rotation. I have the beam next, my least favourite piece. Maria knows this so she starts reassuring me and telling me everything is going to go to plan. I have doubt in my head but I let myself believe her, saving myself from the stress. The competitor numbers are slowly getting closer to mine and my nerves are starting to set in. I am called and I walk up to the beam, putting on the same fake smile I did earlier. The springboard in lined up with the beam, so I take a few strides before hurdling into a round off and turning a layout before I land on the beam. I have hardly anytime to think because straight after I land, I throw myself into a back handspring step-out, double layout. I land on the edge of the beam, but regain my balance quickly. I do some dance to show originality and lie down on the beam and roll into a chin stand, I turn my neck and flip myself over in one slick movement. So far, so good. now it's time for that awful leap combination. I change leg split leap, pike jump and then hurl myself over into the tuck back. I wobble a bit, but manage to stay on. I breathe a sigh of relief, it's like a massive weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I make my way to the end of the beam and go into a round off flic whip. I land it with ease, my confidence returning. I perform a series of ariel movements and prepare for my dismount. I round off, flic and twist two and a half times before grinning and presenting. Maria comes and hugs me tight. "You have no idea how brilliant you were up ther Zo!" She says happily. We wait for my score and I shriek when I see it, 16.650. Putting me in second place for beam. I embrace all the warm hugs that are coming my way and the cameras zooming into my face. Second for beam! What!?

The excitement soon dies down as we are rotated for the final piece, vault. After countless gymnasts have their turns, it is mine and electricity is flowing through my veins. I dust chalk on my hands and line myself up with the table. I present and sprint towards it powerfully, chucking myself into a round off back handspring entrance, and twisting twice before landing bang in the middle of the mat. I stick the landing, the crowd roars and I present before heading back down the runway for my second go. I repeat what I did earlier, a yurchenko entrance but instead a full twisting double back out. I stick the landing, present and I laugh. I'm finally done! I sit with Maria, suspense hanging in the air as we wait nervously for my score. 16.500! I laugh and happy tears spring into my eyes. This score puts me in second place for vault and second overall. Second in the world championships! The presentations will be done tomorrow. The amazing girl who got gold is clled Shawn Johnson, one of the gymnasts I look up to most. I can't believe I'll be on the podium with her tomorrow!

I hear Alfie's name being called out and look up to the leader board. He was placed third after the last five events and his score tomorrow onvault will determine what he gets  overall. I spot him over on the other side of the arena and excuse myself before running over to him. I jump onto him and smash my lips against his, taking him by surprise. He laughs, "I'm so proud of you little one." He whispers into my ear. "I'm very proud of you too!" I giggle. I always giggled around Alfie, probably because he was so good looking. I see my parents and we talk and they hug and kiss me, proud of me. I should win more often, I get loads of attention! I laugh at my own thoughts. Today has defiantly been one of the best days of my life so far!

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