I have a question.....

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Are you allowed to get mad at your mom?? Not like your gonna shout or answer to her just like get angry at her but not doing the things i say....  Is that okay??  But im just getting angry at her cause when im in my bad day she doesn't comfort me... When i cry she would tell me that i am just like a 3 yr old who want a candy.... I am crying cause i can't handle the pain anymore.... Cause all the bad things that my classmates do to me it's like a voice and memory that will pop's in your mind then you will hear them say "your so disgusting" "why are you such a flirt?!" " HAHAHA tik tokorism" "your ugly" "giraffe" "you smell like a cockroach" "*rolls eyes*" "then make fun of you" when you talk to them the will get angry at me without a reason and when it comes to my best friend's they were so nice and talking in a right way while in me??? TEH WILL GET ANGRY!!! They will hate me, make stories about me even though it's not true.... Calling me a plastic but they don't know what is my personality cause they never be friend me.... THEY ALL HATE ME EXCEPT TO MY TOW BESTFRIENDS..... When they stared to camm me that i became an introvert and a mute when they were trying to talk to i just smile or scoff but never talk to them but when it comes to my 2 friends i talk and lugh with them i just hated the fact that she didn't ask me if im okay or how's school, are you doing good, are you okay at school?. I hate it i amso down and depressed because of that... But before that i when i was in 1st grade i hot bullied and it worse until i go to 4th grade, cause they were hurting me.... But when i transferred to a private school it was just judgement and bullying and saying words about me, AND WHEN THE ONLINE CLASS WAS IN I WAS HAPPY CAUSE NO ONE WILL THREATEN ME AND SAY WORDS ABOUT ME AND NO ONE WILL JUDGE ME......

I Met You Again// Zeyu FfTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon