When your hurt

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(Y/N) prov. She is 8

I am playing with myself and it's boring. So I look for a challenge. And i see a big tree. It's very big and it's that I'm alone, since my dad is working. I'm gonna try climbing the tree. I look for a start. When I see where I can start, I go there and started climbing. It's very hard but it's fun. As I get up, I see more of the town. I didn't see the parts that the sticks are breaking. I feel the air go bypass my body and I feel very much pain. My fission is falling away.

Edgeshot prov.
She should have been home by now. So I'll look where she could be. Than I see a crowd of people standing in a circle. Police were looking for me, strange.... they now I have now my time off.
They ran to me and they said they found my daughter. And that she is in the ambulance. So I walk to the ambulance. I see (y/n) with her head in bandages. Hear from the doctor that she has light head wounds but nothing deadly. I sign the paperwork for her to go home and take her home.

When she woke up hurry to her bed and She looks like her face light up.
I ask what happened and she said she was climbing a big tree. So I say "I'm gonna learn you to do those things like self defense and climbing ""all right" she said back. She needs first to heal than I she is gonna learn those things. She was gonna sleep to heal her headache.

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