The Rogue Angels

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Malkis: Rogue angel. Can control shadows and *Hellfire. Has taken the name of Joshua to spite the angel who cast him into hell. Own the largest legions in hell and is Lucias right hand man. He was Satan's lieutenant. The best warrior in Hell and the Angel of War and Vengeance. He is good humoured and is quite friendly.

 He is good humoured and is quite friendly

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Lucia: Rogue angel. Princess of hell. She can control hellfire and **majic. She was created by Lucifer and Lilith. She is the next ruler of hell and heir to the throne. She Angel of Power and Wisdom.

 She Angel of Power and Wisdom

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Bjornal: Rogue Angel. Can control Hellfire and light.  Created by Aim. He is mischievous and will prank anyone including Lucifer. He is Angel of Mischief and Deception. 

Beliana: Rouge Angel

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Beliana: Rouge Angel. Can control Hellfire and Ice. Created by Allocer. She is annoyed easily and is often the target of the pranks pulled by Bjornal. She is the Angel of Knowledge and Strategy.

 She is the Angel of Knowledge and Strategy

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Alexina: Rouge Angel. Can control Hellfire and lightning.Created by Stolas. He is very good humoured and often found laughing at Bjornal's pranks. Angel of Death and Healing.  

Lunith: Rogue Angel

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Lunith: Rogue Angel. Can control Hellfire and water.  Created by Fenrir. She is quiet and soft spoken but is vicious in battle. Angel of Hardship and Despair.

 Angel of Hardship and Despair

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Armentis: Rogue Angel. Can control Hellfire and Time. She can also shapeshift. Created by Orobas. She is outspoken and gregarious. She is the Angel of Destruction and Desire.

 She is the Angel of Destruction and Desire

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*Hellfire: Hellfire is basically fire but if it burns you, you're worst fear is shown to you and the wielder.

**Majic: not the ordinary magic. A more powerful, older, form that humans have not the will power of mental capability to use.

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