Baby, It's The Worst (ANGST)

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Ship(s): DaveSport, Steven x Peter, (background) Jake x Roger
TWS: Su//ide, s*lf h*rm, intrusive thoughts, de*th, missing a loved one, details about injury/de*th/su//ide, blaming, yelling, swearing(?), alcohol, struggling financially(?)
Also Peter is horrible to Dave-
But Henry is/was a good dad™️ (let me have that pls there isn't enough good dad Henry)
I've had this idea in my mind for awhile and wanted to get it out there, inspired by song above
3 • means going into a flashback or  coming out of one
3 - means time-skip
Also yeah Phoney's swear, Dave probably fixed them all lmao

No One's POV
It's been about 4 months since Jack committed suicide. Dave hasn't been handling it well at all, he blames himself and wishes he had been there to stop Jack. He had been trying to get Jack to open up and talk to him for a long time but the orange man would barely speak and would end up either wanting to drop it or crying on Dave's shoulder until he fell asleep. Dave wasn't the one to discover the body, it was his Jack's brother Peter. Peter and Steven were visiting when it happened. Jack forgot they were coming when he did it.

"Hey! Come on in you two, it's cold tonight!!" Dave says as he opens the door for the two phone men. They nod and walk in when Steven speaks up, "Where's Jack? He usually meets us." Dave looks up towards the upstairs area of the house, "He's up there! He said he needed ta get ready even though I assured him he didn't need to get all fancy or anythin' for some friends and family comin' by!" Dave smiles but Peter can tell he's nervous. "I was just about ta go check on him when you knocked, lemme go do dat-" Peter speaks up, "I'll go check on him, Dave. Big brother instinct I guess heh." Dave doesn't want to argue with Peter since the intimidating phone man already despises him, "Okay! I'll stay down here with Steven then." Peter nods and walks upstairs.

As Peter gets closer to Jack's room he gets an increasingly worse feeling, causing him to walk faster to his brother's room. Peter gets to the outside of Jack's room and freezes. Something isn't right. Peter hesitantly and slowly opens the door...

He's greeted by the sight of one of the worst possible things that could happen to him.
Jack's hanging by his neck from the ceiling and a notebook lays on his bed. His eyes are lifeless, the lights in them completely burnt out, and he has tear stains on his face.
Peter screams out in terror and falls to the floor, "J-JACK!!" Only seconds after Peter screams out heavy, running footsteps approach the room and Steven and Dave run in.

Dave screams out too and runs over to Jack, he pulls out a pocket knife from his back pocket and cuts the rope off of Jack's neck. Dave gently lays Jack on the bed and tries to bring him back. Dave does CPR, which he had to learn so him and Henry could save money back in the days of the diner, and he keeps trying to get Jack to wake up, just hoping he passed out and didn't die. Steven is holding his boyfriend, Peter, as the shorter phone man sobs into his chest. "'s okay, I got you." Steven reassures Peter as he gently rubs his back, trying to calm him down. Dave calls an ambulance and holds onto Jack's hand tightly yet gently as to not hurt him even more.

After about 15 minutes an ambulance arrives and picks up Jack, Dave goes with them and Peter and Steven show up at the hospital later on. It seemed like for a bit Jack might make a recovery, at least in Dave's eyes, but he didn't have a chance. When Jack finally got in and was checked out the doctor said there was nothing they could do to save Jack. Dave sobbed and sobbed as he held onto his orange baby. Jack was conscious and used his last bit of strength and life left to share one last moment with Dave. Jack strained himself to speak, "D-Davey," he gasps for air. "Shhh shhh nono don't speak it'll h-hurt you, Sportsy.." Jack cups Dave's cheek softly, "W-we both kn-" he gasps again, "Know I'm n-not gonna make it..D-Dave I love you so much. Please live on and b-" he stops to breathe for a second, "be happy, keep l-living for me.." Jack gently kisses Dave's quivering aubergine lips, Dave kisses back, knowing this could be their last kiss. "I love you too, beautiful, amazing tangerine baby.."

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