Chapter one

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"Jaislynn! Ms. Rodgers, she won't stay all day, you need to get down here." My butler yells up to me in my second story room.

"Yeah, she will she lives here!" I yell down, knowing the only person he could e coaxing me out of my room for is my private teacher. And I can see in my mind, him rolling his eyes. "Just get down here, your dad's home." He says sweetly and I know he's just trying to get me to come down until I here my Dad set his keys down and yell up. "You haven't gotten schooled yet? Maybe I can help!" My eyes literally grow and I run down the stairs. "Dad!" He is never home. He is the CEO of Roads Industries.

"Why are you home early?" He gives me a tired expression. "Is it really that wierd for me to spend time with my daughter." I pretend to think about it. "Well its wierd for you to spend anything." He smirks. "how do i make this right.? How about dinner?" I smile. "Yes!" I run upstairs to get ready.

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