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The sun set on the beautiful property where Oletus Manor sits. Both the hunters and the survivors were retiring to their respective rooms, saying their "good nights," and such. Same thing as the day before that and the day before that. Even though everyone in the manor longed for their old life back, this thought was especially heavy on a certain hunter's mind.

Luchino wandered through the dim halls of the manor, the long corridors lit by plain white candles. The cold stone walls of the building made this place feel like a prison. It was in a way.

The reptilian tried to keep his footsteps as quiet as possible, though an occasional creak came from the aging wooden floor. He looked at the portraits on the wall, most of them being either the other hunters or faces unknown to the scientist. He kept walking down the long hallway before stopping at a certain room. There was a golden plaque on the oak door labeled "Music Room".

Not too long ago, everyone had tried to renovate some of the rooms in the manor, fixing and repairing chairs, tables, curtains, and instruments. It was actually a very fun experience for everyone and a great way to get the brutal games off their minds. Everyone seemed to get closer to each other, learning things about their fellow hunters they wouldn't have known. In fact, that's how Luchino became friends with a certain violinist.


Mary clapped her hands together, a smile on her face. "Alright darlings, It's time to finally start this project," she said, a cheerful look on her face. Everyone had unanimously decided to make Mary the "leader" of the renovation project. Everyone seemed to have a mutual respect for her and she was actually a pretty great leader when it came to these types of things, despite her background. They had also already assigned people to different groups. Mary had paired herself with Michiko, Joseph was paired with Jack, Bon Bon with Mad Eyes, Luchino with Antonio, and so on.

Of course, the violinist and reptilian had gotten assigned to what would be the music room, though, at the time, it was looking pretty rough. There was nothing in there except two huge windows covered by a red, velvet curtain and a piano covered in a white cloth.

For the next who knows how long, they both worked on adding more furniture to the room, making sure everything was clean, and occasionally went to chat there. Luchino got to watch Antonio play his violin sometimes, and the reptilian chatted about his studies while they worked on repairs and such.

Luchino also learned how quiet of a person Antonio was. He rarely spoke, but he was very expressive. The violinist typically conveyed his feelings with nods, "mhm"s, or just straight up playing his instrument. Luchino was amazed at how quickly Antonio could make gorgeous songs based on his feelings. However, as previously mentioned, Antonio did sometimes speak.


Luchino and Antonio were taking a short break after working for a few hours, snacking on some sandwiches Ann and Robbie made for everyone. A comfortable silence blanketed the room, the two men sitting on the floor, right next to each other. In an attempt to start some sort of conversation, Luchino spoke up.

"If you don't mind me asking, what made you interested in music?" he questioned, looking over towards the other. Though most of Antonio's face was covered by his hair, Luchino could tell his eyebrows had raised, surprised by the question. His normal grin had faltered. Antonio looked over at his violin neatly placed next to him and thought for a few moments.

"I didn't have many people to talk to," he started, pausing to eat a bit of his sandwich. "It was my only outlet," Antonio stated simply, though there was some sort of seriousness in his quiet voice.

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