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Narrator's POV
That morning

"Jack Jack, get up! Get up!"

Jack sat up in his bed, surprised to see Elsa shaking him awake.

"What? Is everything okay?" He asked, rubbing his tired eyes.

"You promised to train me today." Elsa laughed.

Jack smiled.

Elsa was so excited to be able to start training, maybe if she learned how to use her powers she could finally go home and take away the internal winter she get off in her kingdom. Just maybe, it was a chance for her.

"Elsa it's like 7 am," Jack groaned, laying back down on his bed, flat on his back.

"No," Elsa huffed and she belly flopped on top of him. "It's already 2 pm."

"No way," Jack groaned, again.

"Yes way," Elsa got up from on top of him and opened his curtains, the sunlight bleeding in, bright. "Take a look."

"Okay, okay," Jack covered his eyes with his hands, trying to block out the bright light. "Just close the curtains, I'm coming."

Elsa left the room and Jack put on his brown jeans and his favorite blue sweatshirt and opened the door, to see Elsa waiting.

"Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!" Elsa grabbed his hands, trying to pull him forward but he resisted.

"Someone's excited," Jack laughed.

Elsa rolled her eyes. She knew it would take a while before she got a good grasp on how to control her powers but she was ready to start.

"I wanna take you somewhere," Jack said.

"Where?" Elsa asked, confused.

"Somewhere special," Jack then got out one of the snow globes and whispered into it and dropped it, causing a portal to open and they walked through it.

When they stepped out, Elsa could see that they were in a forest, it was covered in snow and frost.

"Come this way," Jack said grabbing Elsa's hand and quickly running forward, dragging Elsa behind him.

"Jack where are we goi-?"

"Here," he cut Elsa off and let go of her hand.

They were in a little area of snowy trees and a lake that was not frozen, but every cold.

"This is where I first discovered my powers, this was where I first became Jack Frost," Jack said, his chest held high and he had a huge smile cross his face.

Elsa didn't say anything, but she walked around looking at the frosted trees with awe.

She saw one with a line of frost going up and spreading across the leaves, she ran her fingers over with, admiring all the pretty shapes and flakes.

"Did you do this?" She asked, now removing her hand from the tree.

Jack walked up behind her. "Yeah, this is where I would come and practice."

"It's beautiful," Elsa said, still admiring the frosted forest surrounding her.

Jack looked at Elsa. "Yah, it is," he smiled.

"So when do we start," Elsa jumped around the face Jack. "Ya know, training."

"Right now," he said and he held out his hands. "The first thing I wanted to show you is how to control the amount the snow and ice you can create, because I've noticed you seem to get out of control with that so let's try this."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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