Chapter 30

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I woke up scared. I breathed heavily and I was tied up. I saw a knife on the floor behind me and leaned back and grabbed it and cut myself out. I was free. I. tried to find a way out and there was a door. I opened the door and walked out. It seemed too easy. I was back in the hotel room, confused. What the hell? Bri looked at me and grabbed her crutches and threw it at me. Bri! Then Nayita woke up and threw the couch at me. I dodged. Ah. Now I know what he wanted me to do. Leave California. I yelled out "YEAH WELL IM NOT LEAVING SO GET USED TO ME!" What're you talking about? Everything was back to normal. Bri had stitches. Nayita was sleeping. Nobody was in me. I was in bed. I had just woken up. Nothing I had a nightmare. Oh you ok? I'm fine. I was sweating. Then Nayita woke up screaming. Did she have a bad dream too?

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