Chapter One: Run

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A small yawn was heard and sand flown in the wind as an unconscious woman came to. She had shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes, caramel skin and a fair complexion. Her eyes scanned her surroundings, unfamiliar with them... unfamiliar with anything really.

She heard a chirp like noice before it turned into something that sounded dangerous. She was in a small clearing surrounded by tree's on all sides and all she was wearing were bandages around her feminine parts like her breasts and groin area.

She looked in the shrub to her right and a set of bright yellow menacing, slitted eyes stared right back at her before doubling, then trippling. Four sets of eyes shown in the bush and it started to shift, she felt terror sneaking up her spine until one set jumped out of the bush.

"Huh?" She questioned, seeing a small creature, from the looks of it, it seemed to be a dinosaur. It stood about a foot and a half tall and had greenish scaly skin. She had never seen anything like it before. It slowly advanced toward her, seeming cautious.

"Hey cutie, she said in a cutesy voice, walking up and petting the head of the small dinosaur. She felt a weird vibrating feeling in her forearm and turned it around, looking at what seemed to be a diamond glowing blue in her arm. She immediately felt a small pulse in her brain and winced for a second before looking back down at the dino and knowing what it was.

"A Compy?" She raised an eyebrow as the compy seemed to shrink before turning around and just booking it out of there. She shook her head at the strange act but understood why when she turned around to the sound of growling.

She now stood face to face with a kuch larger reptile. It growled a bit and she knew exactly what she had to do.


She turned and just like the compy, she took off. She had no idea she was capable of running so fast, she was running fast, her feet carrying her at incredible speeds that a normal human could never hope to reach but the dinosaur was right on her tail, keeping up with her easily.

She slid jumped over a tree branch and to little surprise the dinosaur copied her. She felt her lungs beginning to burn and a cold sweat drip run down her chin. She ducked around a tree just as she ferocious dinosaur made it to her, slamming into the tree, the tree wasn't very large but the dinosaur broke right though it with no more than a slight stop and a roar.

This gave her a chance to look at him. He was on the prettier side, there was no way to tell if it was a boy or girl to the naked eye but something told her that he was definitely a boy. She felt her arm start to glow again as she examined the dinosaur.

"A raptor?" The raptor was a light blue color and his feathers were red, he had bloodstained claws and teeth, signifying that it definitely wasn't his first tussle. They stared off for a second and the raptor seemed to ready himself. "Uh oh." She muttered to herself and the raptor dashed. She rolled to the side, thanking whoever was watching over her for her on the small side chest.

She took off running again and was glad she had a moment to rest.

Her feet carried her well and quickly but she was getting tired and fast. The raptor was still on her tail, not giving her another second to breathe. She ducked behind a fallen tree and the raptor seemed to disappear for a moment. She was out of breath and her muscles were burning and numb, she could barely move, there was no way she could run anymore.

In front of her, a bush started to shake and out walked the raptor. He seemed incredibly angry. "Ok buddy... calm down... lets talk about this, I was just playing tag." The woman tried to reason with the beast but it just barred its teeth and crouched, getting ready to pounce.

The raptor was smart, it knew she couldn't run anymore, just like any other prey, they all eventually get tired and collapse. The raptor pounced. The woman heard a grunt and a man that was much bigger than her bud adorned the same garb jumped out of a bush and caught the raptor by his neck.

The man swung his legs around and landed on a mounted position on the raptors back. The raptor screeched and began to run around rapidly. He tried desperately to get the man off of him buy he kept his hands firmly around the raptors neck firmly, cutting off any air to his lungs.

The raptor clawed at his arms and blood began to pour but the man seemed to ignore it, only squeezing it hard. The raptor seemed to slow down and with a resounding 'snap' it collapsed. The man pulled a stone hatcched from within his arm diamond in a blue light. He hit the raptor a couple of times with him axe and it seemed to be absorbed into his arm.

"Are you ok?" Finally, the man broke the seemingly endless science with a simple question. The woman got to her feet, tired and sore.

"Yeah i'm fine, thank you... who are you?" She asked and he grinned at her, a big toothy grin, it made his naked, barely covered self look just a bit creepy but he pointed to himself.

"The only thing I remember is my name and that's Thane." He looked at the diamond for a moment. "And this is my home." He waved an arm over to a small thatch shack. It was... garbage to say the least.

He was strong but lacked necessary architecture abilities it seemed. "I never asked you your name." Thane stated, it wasn't a question.

"Is your name Water?" He asked and the woman raised an eyebrow.

"No my name is not water. My name is Rora? Why do you ask though? Are you looking for someone named water?" He shrugged.

"I have no clue honestly, all I know is this little crystal thing in my arm keeps telling me to find water." He collaped.

"Thane!?" Rora yelled out his name and rushed to his side. He was out cold. She heard the gushing of a river near her and nodded, somehow she knew that's where water was.

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