My Eyes...

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hyp-o-crite// A person who indulges in hypocrisy

hy-poc-ri-cy// The practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense

The world cannot change until the people of the world change. Racism is still alive today, along with police brutality and so many other things. When it comes to things, we (the people as a whole) are hypocrites.

ster-e-o-type// A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.

bi-ased// unfairly prejudiced for or against someone or something.

I ,as a young black man, should not be defined by the actions and words of others. A police officer, who sacrifices his life everyday for the citizens of his country, should not be defined by the actions of Brett Hankison. George Floyd should not have been characterized with criminals because of his skin color. Law enforcement should not be dehumanized because of the uniform they wear.

We tend to get mad at police officers and other law enforcement for the very same thing that we are doing to them. Stereotyping.Characterizing. Dehumanizing. We are getting mad and blaming all police officers for treating all black people as if they are criminals. We are blaming all police officers and mistreating all law enforcement for the handful of racist and crooked officers. We cannot continue to get mad at all officers for thinking that all black are criminals until we stop thinking that all cops are bad cops. All cops ARE NOT bad cops just like all blacks ARE NOT criminals or a threat.

Now I will admit, our legal system is not at its best. But this does not excuse us being hypocritical and biased towards different criminals. We expect police officers to serve life and lose their careers for killing a black man. But when a black man kills another black man and gets locked up, we scream " Free ___ until it is backwards" Why is this?

What is the difference between a white man killing a black man and a black man killing another black man? How is one acceptable to us and the other is worth a death penalty?

On the other side of this, It is not fair that our black men and women as well as other minority groups serve more time than others for the same crime. It is simply unfair and wrong. And while we cannot expect our system to change over night, we can do our part.

"We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope." Martin Luther King, Jr.

"We must be the change we wish to see in the world." Martin Luther King, Jr.

con-tra-dict// Deny the truth of (a statement) by asserting the opposite.

As a whole, we the people have to stop contradicting one another. While this is seen across the world in so many ways, it has recently been seen in the #BLM movement. The whole reason for the movement is to get the world to see that all lives are important. Hispanic lives matter just as much as black lives which matter just as much as white lives.

When we say black lives matter, we are not saying that all lives don't matter. We are saying that black lives matter TOO! While some people have contradicted the initial message of the movement, we are not saying that blue lives or white lives or hispanic lives don't matter, but we are saying that black lives matter just as much as any other life.

The #BLM movement is a movement to reach equality. We are not fighting for the tables to turn.

But this is where contradiction really comes to play.

There are so many people that don't truly understand the purpose of the movement and are insisting that the roles of racism be reversed. They are insisting that it is our turn to be on top. But that is not what we are asking for. That is not the purpose of the movement.

The government and the people of the world WILL NOT hear us until we are all speaking the same message. It is time for us to get on one accord and make them hear us. This should not be a World vs. Law. This should not even be whites vs. blacks. But this is simply about wrong vs. right.

We won't be heard until we speak as one voice!!

Our ancestors fought hard for us. While they won some battles, the war is not over. It is time for our generation to take a stand. Malcolm X one said "A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything." If we want a better life in the future for ourselves, our kids, their kids, and so on, we must fight for it. But let's make sure we know what we are fighting for , and that it is the right thing.

It is truly time for a change. But we will all have to put our differences aside and get on one accord. Racism is very much alive. Police brutality is at an all time high. These things are not as clear as they used to be. They are hidden. There are people that we associate with every day that deep down inside are racist. We have to realize that racism is not just calling african americans negros or niggers.It is not just segregating schools and restaurants. It is also not letting your child hang out with blacks. It is also not letting your children date outside their race. It is also treating a human being differently because of the way they look. It is following minority customers around the store. It is discriminating against a human being because of their race. It is dehumanizing someone because of their color.

With that being said, we have to stop being angry at whites for white privilege. While it is not their fault, it still exists. When we say white privilege we aren't suggesting that whites are spoiled and have everything handed to them, but simply that society is easier on them.

However, white privilege does exist. But white privilege is not growing up rich. White privilege is not worrying about getting pulled over and not making it home. It is being able to walk into a fancy restaurant or store and not be stared at or followed. It is not having to worry about your family being out past dark. It is not having to worry about your young men making it home.

Racism has got to go. Police brutality has got to go. We have to stop being hypocrites. We have to stop blaming police for the death of our young black men while our young black men are killing other young black men and we don't say anything about it. By NO MEANS does black on black crime excuse police brutality, but it is just as bad and it has to stop. We have to come together and form one voice.

Until we stop blaming others. Until we take responsibility for our parts. Until we stop being hypocritical. Until we stop contradicting one another and come together.... Nothing will change

It is our time to be heard. #BLM #ONEVOICE

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