Chapter two

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It was ...Lucas , the rival of Logan. I still don't know how they become like enemies that was still a mystery to him . Then he heard "hey stop daydreaming, are you daydreaming about your Lover Logan " teased his sister "uhh, whaaaat is that . Your such a meanie , Logan is just a friend." Well Logan was bisexual but attracted towards girls even if he was attracted to boys or homosexual. He would never date a person like him, Small, stuck on the moon, he usually got scolded for not paying attention to anything. "Really, you didn't invite him, did you?she said sarcastically "well, it was Juliette idea, so I went and ask him he wanted. He said he wanted to come earlier so I said yes, like what a good friends do. I hope you wouldn't mind him coming" I told her , she was being annoying " if you say so she mumbled loud enough for me to hear her.

Then Luca tapped my shoulder "Kyaaa"I said " I really should stop reading manga" I told himself before hearing someone said cute. "I'm sorry..."I said without knowing why "ok?" He told himself

I looked at the boy , Luca ... he seemed so flawless...good lo...

"Ewww"what was that feeling . He Logan' s rival and what will happen when  Logan will react when he comes .?..."
He thought a bit for a long moment however decided to give up and enjoy his time there.
Luca seems to be far away, who was Luca? He knew he was the rival of his best friend Logan but he knew only that. He convinced himself it was enough information about the strange boy nonetheless he was still curious about him, weird.
Before he could leave the party he got a phone call missed from his best friend Logan.
He somehow cracked a smile.
"What you doing" asked Luca ,who just came out of nowhere until he guessed that he was behind all that time when he thought he was gone for good. But nope , he just haded to be behind him the whole time, who does that? As he was wondering about whatever he could think about that were very small compared to the other problems he had and has, every night, that horrible nightmare he would always have every single days when he tries to remember something about his childhood. Almost forgetting the existence of the boy who was just behind him, who stared at him with questioning eyes, that he guessed because he didn't reply yet. He wanted him gone, that was for sure, so was it better to ignore him, which he didn't think he would do that because it's meaningless and just awkward. So he would answered the normal civilised question of the boy while hoping that he would get bored of him. "text from a friend"he replied not bothering looking at the other person "Oh" was what he heard, he didn't care of what Luca thought about him or anything. ... He never thought that he would notice or remark about the strange phenomenon however he was thinking a lot about him, Luca,..., nope he must be delusional, he wouldn't give a care in the world about him. Logan... wait... in exactly 25 minutes Logan would come. Was he happy about it, maybe, he didn't know what kind of feelings he had for him and he wished to not question them because Logan was a great friend. "Hey Dumbo! I'm going to stay over." At first he didn't reply but after a moment of realisation, the only thought that occupied his head was Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat had he just heard! He was sure it was a joke "funny joke, egocentric person" he replied monotone, "I'm not kidding" the boy replied staring right in the eyes of Daniel, he didn't seem bothered about but sure was Daniel so he rushed leaving Luca dumbfounded and went straight to crowed to find his sister "Sis! Is it true that your boyfriend brother is staying here?" She look a bit surprised "Well , I was going to tell you later, like in a year."he starred at his sister in disbelief. "Look I promised my boyfriend that his brother could stay at my place." Before he could add any nasty comebacks, his sister added "Dad and Mom agreed, good luck and he will sharing a room with you, so be nice my lovely brother." His sister said with a sarcastic tone while saying lovely brother.
Just great...
This is where it all started, you remember?
How could I explain to Logan? Ugh, it's just so complicated. I'm not ready for that.
Sometimes I feel like ... I'm not ... real. Funny, right?
My phone started ringing. Gina was calling.
"How are you?"
    "Fine and you?"
"Great and I'm sorry about your sister »
    "It's fine. I kept some of my sisters stuff."
Gina seemed even more lost than usual, when she reunited with her family. She never liked talking about them. However she still loved them.
    "Sometimes I feel like she's still here..."
I didn't hear that sentence, so I changed the topic.
"Where are you going, heard they you're leaving for some time."
    "I'm going to go to Uncle Bob, you can           come and visit."
"Thanks and sorry, I have to go."
    " Okay bye, call me soon."
When the call ended. I called Luca so that I could give him a tour of the house.
Luca wasn't as annoying as Logan told me, he was a bit fun to talk to.
The moment that I dreaded came true when I heard the bell. I should have explained it to Logan before hand. However I was lazy, which is definitely the best excuse that I can come up right now.
Stupid me.
I can see my death.
Deep breath, deep breath, deep breath.
It might not be that bad if I'm lucky, yay!
What am I telling myself, it will be a horrid and dreadfully awkward day.
I open the door and Logan was there.
"Hey Logan before you come in, my sister has a special guest"( which is your rival)" who came, I hope you can become best friends, promise?"
   "Okay... I guess so? Who is it?"
"It's a surprise"
I let him in and the first thing that idiot thought of doing was to glare at Luca, who returned the glare.
Just great, might as well give up my life to the monsters underneath me.
    "Why is he here?"
"Well,... he is the SPECIAL GUEST, funny, right?!?"
Logan turned his back, well it's less chaotic than I imagined.
     "Let's go"
Was only thing he said before he dragged me out of my house, this should be considered as kidnapping.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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