chapter 30

817 31 1

F:M-man it isn't what it looks like*turns to Rachel*Rach its true.
R:*Turns to San*YOU SLUT*Slaps her*
R:What so you ditch me then try to sleep with my boyfriend your just a lonely,little screwed up WHORE!*Punches her*
R:Oh go on then stick up for your other girlfriend I CANT BELIEVE YOU CHEATED ON ME!
P:We get it you like each other were just outsiders.
S:P-puck that's n-not t-true I-I l-love y-you.
P:I wish I could believe you.
F:Rachel you have to believe me.....
R:Why me?Why do I always get used just so you can sleep with me......I loved you Finn because you were honest but now.......I hate you.....
P:*Hugs her*I cant believe you would do this........
F:Puck I was just telling her something please man you gotta believe us we weren't cheating you to I love you Rachel please just believe us........
P:*looks at Rachel then to Finn then San*
R:I-I want you out of this house......
F:Rachel please-
F:*Gets up*I love you and if its your choice not to believe me its your choice just remember I would never do anything to hurt you*kisses her forhead and leaves*
S:*Gets up*I love you Puck........*leaves
R:*Screams and wakes up,breathing heavily*
F:Rach babe whats wrong?
R:*starts crying*P-please don't leave mee
F:I wont rach whats wrong?
R:Welll do you know last night when you went to the funeral and I went bowling....I-I had a dream t-that P-puck and I-I came b-back and y-you cheated on us......Please don't leave me.....
F:*Hugs her*I will never cheat on you or leave you I love you so much.
R:I-I love you to.....
F:Lets get back to bed ok
R:*Snuggles in his arms and is about to fall asleep*
F:*Whispers*I will never leave you......
*they fall asleep*

The next day:
At McKinley:
R:*Walks in*
(this scene I will use from Glee I don't own anything)
S:*Slams her against the locker*You told Coach about Me getting surgery.
R:You have a surgery when you get your appendix out you got a boob job..
S:Yep sure did*slaps her*
*Everyone OOHS*
R:You cant hit me.
S:Oh sure I can unless you cheated on your boyfriend again SLUT*Pushes her and punches her*
F:*Pulls Rachel off*Guys stop your supposed to be best friends!
S:*Getting pulled by Puck*Oh please she has a new best friend!
*Everyone leaves*
F:Rach calm down*hugs her*
R:*hugs him back*I gotta go cheerleading practice.....great another day with her*sighs*
F:Ive got Football practice.......
R:See you later*kisses his cheek and walks off*

In Practice:
R:*Come on the field*
CS:Ok girls 10 laps go!
S:*comes by and trips her up and smirks then runs off*
R:*Gets up and a tear slips*
F:*Sees her and wishes he could go and hold her*
*they pratice *

In the hallway:
R:*At her locker*
F:*Comes up*Hey how was pratice?
R:*ignores him*
R:*turns to him with puffy eyes*
F:Rach whats wrong?*worried*
R:I-I miss Santana.......*crying*
F:*hugs her*Ssh its ok
R:I-I just want m-my best f-friend back.
F:Its gonna be ok Ssh
S:*Behins a wall heres everything and runs off crying*

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