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j e s s i e

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j e s s i e

"bro, just let me have a sip." i whined, reaching for the milkshake.

matt popped my hand away. "no! if you wanted one, you should've bought one!"

"but i don't want one! i just want a sip!"

he narrowed his eyes. "that sounds like a personal problem to me."

"stingy ass." i muttered, crossing my arm.

while he was focused on his milkshake, i grabbed his cookie. his eyes shot over to me. "jessie, put my cookie down."

he started to step closer, so i held my hand out. "you have two options here, matt; you can just give me a sip of the damn milkshake like i asked, or i'm gonna lick this, and then you'll be without your precious fucking cookie."

"you should've just got a milkshake!"

i stuck my tongue out, bringing the cookie towards it.

"okay, fine! one sip though!"

i grinned as he handed me the milkshake, while i handed him the cookie. i took a sip from it before handing it back to him. "look, i hardly even drank any. you aren't even gonna notice it."

he rolled his eyes, flipping me off as he took a bite of his cookie. i stood up on one of his beanbags, so that i could reach his hair. i ran my hand through it because it's just so fluffy and soft looking.

"how's college?" he asked.

"great, i guess." i shrugged.

"that's good. off topic, but isn't billie supposed to be coming back next week or something?" he asked.

"yeah," i grinned. "i'm excited as hell."

"i bet."

"any luck with that girl that always comes into the coffee shop?" i questioned.

"jj, i told you that i don't wanna date again." he muttered.

"c'mon, matt, don't let one stupid ass bitch ruin dating for you," i said, making him turn around so that he was facing me. "i've said it before and i'll say it again; marley didn't deserve you and she was a bitch. but that does not mean that every girl is like that. i know you hate it when i say it, but there is a girl somewhere out that who's gonna be perfect for you and she's gonna change your life."

i took his glasses, placing them on my face. "and who knows? maybe that's the girl that keeps coming to the coffee shop."

"i highly doubt that," he mumbled, snatching his glasses back. "but thanks, jj."

"of course," i grinned. "now, i hope your ass is ready to get destroyed in call of duty."


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