C h a p t e r 2

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Author: Soooo this is a part two I hope y'all like it 💕🥺

Still Kazuichi POV#
Monokuma announcement: Goooooood morning, everyone!! Looks like today is gonna be one more perfect day

This stupid teddy bear just woke me up when I was finally drifting into some sleep... Well I have to go meet up with the others now. As I made my way to meeting spot i bumped into gundham. Gundham said "Hello fellow mortal you look quite tired today". "I'm alright" I said. Then me and Gundham just walked to the meeting spot in straight up ✨ s i l e n c e ✨

*at the meet up spot*
great everyone's already here besides hajime and Nagito.... I honestly don't give a fuck for Nagito but hajime being late is kinda sus... 'hey souda where is hajime and Nagito' I heard coming from chiaki. I said 'I don't know last time I seen them both was after the class trial'. Princess Sonia suggested we spilt up and look for them both. We all agreed and we were in groups. I was with Gundham and Fuyuhiko, but got some reason I didn't really care at the moment. Also Chiaki, Akane, And miss Sonia is in one group. Anyways so we decided to go check hajime dorm because we thought he must have overslept

*after they arrived at hajime room*

Fuyuhiko was about to knock when we heard a moan coming from hajime room!!! I'm like is hajime playing with himself or something...BUT THEN I HEARD 'a-ah~ Nagito!!' WE ALL RAN BACK TO THE MEET UP SPOT AND JUST THREWWW UPPP.Honestly I don't wanna walk in on my dude doing the nasty... Just NO 🤮🤮🤮. Fuyuhiko was the first one to speak on what we just saw he said 'what the fuck did my eyes just see'. Then Gundham spoke and said "These fellow mortals are just gross" after he said that he straight up just threw up some more.... the girls appeared and wondered why the fuck we was just throwing up like crazy... "oh my god what happened to you guys?!".... I didn't even wanna explain what the fuck we just saw so all I said
was "you don't wanna know princess sonia all I'm gonna say is that their alive but their busy...". The boys agreed with me in agreement to what I just said. We decided to go cook and I wasn't hungry at all because all my hunger just went away immediately after that ✨ traumatizing ✨ event. Gundham Cooked for everyone which is very surprising because I wouldn't see him as the guy to cook... He kinda looks hot while he's cooking... WAIT WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!!! EWWWW YUCK 🤮. I have nothing against gay people trust me but I thought I was straight as a line.... after that previous thought i just spent the rest of breakfast thinking about my sexuality and who I like...

Hey bbyz so here's part 2 of this stupid ass series I hope you liked it chapter 3 will be released soon 💗

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2020 ⏰

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Gundham x Kazuichi series💕 (Contains sad ending‼️ 😞)Where stories live. Discover now