Chapter 4: Officially 17 Years Old

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Hey guys, Prejudy here! I know I'm late for my due date but it's because we had classes yesterday. Yup! Saturday classes and getting of cards after. Huhuhuhu, my rank got lower, from top 10 to rank 24 to rank 30 yeah I know and we are like 40 in a class. Sniff sniff. But anyways, here you guys go! Chapter 4! Seems like forever that I didn't update.

Chapter 4
Kayleen's POV

"Kayleen, Kayleen." a voice said.

"Kayleen, Kayleen." the voice said again

"Open your eyes child." the voice instructed me to.

I don't know why but I followed. I opened my eyes to see a very beautiful woman like an angel.

"W-who are you?" I asked her.

"I am the Sun Goddess my dear child." She said in a very calm voice, enveloping me in warmth.

"Listen to me, the time has come." she said.

"What time? Am I late for school already? Oh no! I don't want a red mark in my records!" I said panicking.

I heard a very soft laughter. Only making the warmth stronger. Just then, I saw a tiger beside her. A very beautiful tiger with a darker shade of red-orange and white.

"It's time that you come of age, my dear one." She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked so confused.

"Only time will tell." She said.

After she said that, the tiger came running at me. I coudn't move because of fear.

"Don't be afraid, my child. Do not fear." She said.

Then, the tiger came colliding with my body, like going inside my heart. I felt...strange somehow, I-I feel stronger!

I woke up from my dream. Sweating all over.

Ugh great, what time is it? Oh it's 7:30. Okay. Wait, SEVEN THIRTY? Why didn't I hear the alarm clock? I ran to my bathroom and took a quick bath. And when I say quick, I mean really quick! I got out of the bathroom, dressed myself up, brushed my hair and teeth, then went downstairs.

"Mom! I'm leaving! I'm gonna be kate for school!" I said.

"What school? Dear, it's saturday." She went down to make breakfast for us.

"W-what? Saturday? Really? Ugh, so that's why I didn't hear my alarm clock go off. Ugggh. I. REALLY. HATE. MYSELF." I said. Sitting down on the chair.

"Soo... I wanted to tell you, that it's your birthday!!! Ta-da!!!" my mom said.

"Mhmm, I just stinctly remember, my birthday was last year." I said.

"Well you see it's an annual thing tehehehe. Aren't you happy? Or even excited? I mean it's you birthday. And 13 years living with us." She said.

I just sighed and smiled at her. I kissed her cheek and ate breakfast, hotdogs and eggs.


I looked at mom.

Ding-ding! Ding dong! Ding dong!

I jumped out of my chair then went to the door.

I opened the door and said "Why can't you hold your horses? I mean it's really early in the morning."

It was ofcourse who do you guys think? Illiana yup you guys guessed right. Sigh...

"Okay so, here are your dresses. I'll pick what you will wear, and oh by the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" she said hugging me.

We talked and talked and talked and talked until we died the end. The story ends here you guys!!!! Ofcourse not just kidding.

We did not realise it until my mom called us.

"Girls, it's almost dinner time, get ready for the party!" My mom called us.

"WHAT??!! Dinner time already?! Kayleen go and take a bath right now and make it really quick like a second. Come on move chop chop!" Illiana said excited.

I took a bath and went out to dry my hair and brushed it. I went outside the bathroom and saw a very beautiful sky blue dress that went mid-thigh (pic at the side).

"Oh my gee!! Illiana it's gorgeous!" I said. I mean it's really breautiful!

"Ofcourse! That's what Illiana's for." she said.

I hugged her tight and thanked her.

"Okay, you're welcome. But first, your make up." she said.

"Oh man why do I need make-up?" I started whinning.

"Please please please please Kayleen! 1 time only and this is only once in a lifetime!" Illiana said.

"Okay fine. but only and I mean only this time that I would let you do mu make up and hair." I said giving in.

She started doing my hair adding little curls here and there. Pinning some hair there and some here.

Next was my face. Not that there was something wrong with it she said. Brush here brush there brush everywhere haha joke.

It took how many hours then she finally let me see myslef in the mirror. The reflection staring back at me had curly ends, a very innocent look and looks natural. ( I really don't know how to describe especially with make-up)

"Is that really me?!" I gasped.

"Yup the one and only." Illiana said.

Just then, my mother went up and opened the door.

"Oh my baby girl! you're so beautiful! Are tou really Kayleen?! Illiana, tell me where you put my baby girl." my mom said.

"She's right in front of you Mrs. White." Illiana giggled.

"Okay, time for the dress." Illiana said.

She let me go to the bathroom to get dressed. I opened the door and saw that there were white sandals near my bed and wore it. Illiana and mom were already in the living room.

I went down a little nervous. Today, I am officialy a 17-year old girl.


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