Vampire?your a what

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Faith on side

So faith what do you do in your spare time?"

I was siting at a table with 9 of the hottest guys ever ,who are also all my bosses ,and What's killing me is I think there all gay for each other.

I see the stares of love and lust

"Emm I like to dance."I say

"Any good."Michel asks

" I'm not sure.What about you guys what do you do?"

"Nothing special." Louis said
"Oh you must do something." I smiled
I heard a growl come from the other room
A young boy around 12 ran in the room

"There's a vampire asking for faith he has your mother alpha."the says as he bows his head

Luke growls
"I'm going to kill that son of ahhhh."
He's yells as I elbow him

"There's a child in the room......wait did you say vampire?no fucking way!Vampires are real that's amazing ,Wait did you growl NOOOOOO your a wolf omfg."

thanks for reading

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