Shoot For The Moon

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What they don't understand about being turned into a supernatural creature, and what they never tell you is that eventually, you will have to complete a rite of passage. This rite of passage will vary from species to species - but I know for sure there is one for creatures like me. Werecreatures.

I blinked back the memories as cold air bit my face. It had been maybe a week since I'd been turned - but don't worry, I asked for it. I was standing on my balcony, avoiding looking at my neighbors drinking and laughing on theirs. That was so long ago, but still the most pivotal moment of my life. Why I decided to take a risk to save someone else, possibly at my expense, was still beyond me. I didn't know - it just felt right.

Walking at night was a new habit I'd picked up. Tonight was just another night. I expected to be unbothered, but not alone. Occasionally there were kids at the park, or someone else walking along to music they played out loud, maybe some cars. But tonight something was different. It was uncharacteristically quiet for a moment until my door clicked shut, autolocking behind me, my feet thumping softly on the concrete stairs down to ground level.

Once I was out of the housing complex, my feet led themselves to the playground, it was eerie but welcoming with next to no lights. I climbed up on the equipment, crossing my arms and letting the night breezes ruffle my short hair. It was peaceful. Crickets chirped, frogs sang, I could feel an aura coming off of the forest,

Until I heard something. A sharp noise suddenly cut through the night and made me jump. My first instinct was to growl and look for the noise, but I couldn't see where it was coming from, not yet. I followed the sound of the laugher that came after the shot in the dark, flexing my fingers as if they were claws. I could smell some smoke and see a light, there was a campfire they were laughing around. It looked hastily built and unsafe. Four boys - perhaps young men, it was hard to tell - were gathered around it, each holding something that looked like a gun - but the noise i'd heard hadn't sounded like gunfire. I could only deduce that it was a BB gun.

Last time I had been in this forest, over a week ago, I had felt calmness and nothing more. The woods had always been a safe haven for me, but tonight everything felt wrong. Being here caused more distress than calmness, as if I were picking up on the fear in the air around me. I peered between the leaves and saw something near the campfire, small furry bodies that didn't deserve this kind of treatment.

Maybe, I thought to myself, I could reason with them first. But how would that go? In my mind's eye I could see them laughing, scoffing, maybe turning it on me. "What are you, my mom?" they might ask. And what would I ever say to them? "How would you feel if someone was doing that to you?" Some of them might have a little empathy, while others... "Yeah, but it isn't." I shook my head to myself and shifted slightly, leaves rustling under me in my crouched position. They couldn't hear it over the crackle of the campfire, but I still felt wary, and angrily on edge. I had to stop them and I was pretty sure I knew how. I figured... maybe I should give them a warning first.

"HEY!" I shouted as loud as I could, they turned, but couldn't quite see me in the darkness.

"What was that," one mumbled.

"BACK OFF." I growled.

I felt claws of rage digging into my skin. The transformation was hard to turn off and on, but I knew it was possible. I tried to focus my energy, my claws extend, my skin changes, my eyes gleam. I snarl from the bushes. The sick laugher and confused whispering stops. On this night, I realize turning is more than just becoming a werewolf - it's becoming a guardian for creatures smaller than you.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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