Villainous Love

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It was a dark cloudy night. Palpatine was reading a book when he heard a knock on the door. "Who could that be in this time of night?" he wondered. He got up and walked towards the house entrance. The man sensed a familiar presence and slowly opened the door. And there was the wizard he had been seeing for the past months, Voldemort. "Hello Palpatine." he said as he walked into the house. "Voldemort? What are you doing here?" Palpatine questioned. "I need to talk to you. For two things." Voldemort answered.

With a worried but curious look on his face, the emperor joined his "acquaintance" on the living room's couch. "So, what is it you seek?"
"Well," Voldemort began "I have been thinking..and I believe it's about time to let the others know"
Startled, Palpatine said "What? Isn't it a little too soon?"
"Oh please, they probably already know anyway. Our..friends aren't stupid Palpatine! At least not all of them." the dark wizard answered.
"I suppose you're right. Perhaps it's time to let them know. What is the second thing you want to talk to me about?"

Voldemort smirked as he drew his body closer to the sith lord next to him. "You see, I didn't just come here to inform you of my thoughts. We could have discussed the matter another time."
Palpatine quickly realized what his partner was getting into so he kindly obliged. "Oh? I thought as much." He said, he too, getting closer to the dark lord. "So, what do you have in mind?"
he asked teasingly.
"You know, the usual" the wizard said with an evil smile on his face.

After locking eyes for a few seconds, Voldemort teleported the two of them into Palpatine's bedroom. The men sat on the bed getting straight to business, which wasn't rare for their little sessions. As always, Palpatine started taking charge of the situation. But this time was different. Suddenly, he felt Voldemort's hand grab his and stop him dead in his tracks. "You seem to be forgetting something." he said.
"Forgetting? I don't know what you're talking about." said Palpatine, clearly knowing what Voldemort meant by that. "Palpatine, we made an agreement. It wasn't so bad last time now was it?" Voldemort continued.
Palpatine knew he was right so he sighed in defeat and let the man take control this time. "Ugh, fine..." he murmured. Voldemort, pleased with Palpatine's cooperation, reached to the first drawer of the counter and grabbed the lube.

He slicked his fingers with it and gently wiggled one into the tight ring of muscles, smirking at the whimper his partner released. He wiggled that finger and squeezed a second one in, wiggling them in and out, smirking more at Palpatine’s reaction to a third finger, he moved his fingers in and out and Palpatine let out a  small moan and rocked himself back meeting Voldemort’s fingers. It wasn’t long and neither one could contain themselves, the emperor looked ready to drop and blow all over, Voldemort just..wanted him. He slicked himself up quickly, then gripped Palpatine and positioned himself, sliding in.

“Gosh, Palps. You're so tight..” he hissed into the back side of  Palpatine’s head, sliding himself in and out slow, trying to let him adjust. He took it as a hint to go faster when the smaller man started rocking his hips back more to meet with Voldemort’s thrusts. The man groaned as he watched Palpatine grip the sheets of the bed.

“Voldemort..If you keep... pounding me like this.. I'm going to- ahh.” he moaned out, fueling the wizard to slam deeper and harder. Voldemort slammed a little quicker, feeling himself get close, he wanted Palpatine to explode first, he loved the feeling of being inside him while he did, the ring of muscles would tighten around him and then loosen, then tighten again, spasming. He wrapped an arm around him and slid his hand up and down the hard length, stopping at the base to trace a vein up to the head. Palpatine made a small mewling sound at the contact, the dark lord continued, his name slipping repeatedly out of the smaller man’s mouth. He was close. Voldemort slammed faster, feeling victory as he hit the bundle of muscle. He pumped his hand up and down faster as he felt his thrusts get sloppy and erratic. It didn’t take long and Palpatine’s whole body quaked as he released, Voldemort groaned as the familiar warm tingling found him and he slammed into the tight hole one more time and released, letting himself fall next to his partner. After a few minutes, he spoke, priding himself in what he had done. "See? I told you we'd have a good time!" Palpatine chuckled and just said "Shut up Voldemort."

                          The End~

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