The Thunderstorm

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A couple weeks later everyone at the Agency was getting ready to go on a joint mission with the Port Mafia. As everyone was busy getting things together no one really noticed that the silver haired weretiger was anxious and getting more so as the day went on. The only people to realize that something was off were his two boyfriends as he was withdrawn throughout the briefing for the mission. They both kept a close eye on him as they paid attention to Kunikida's information. When the meeting was over Dazai rested his hand onto Atsushi's shoulder snapping him out of his thoughts. He looked up into warm brown eyes, his eyes were glazed over making the taller male's heart clench.

"Come on Kitten. It's time to go."

"Ah okay." Atsushi stood up and started to follow Chuuya who was waiting in the doorway for the two. The Port Mafia Exec and the ex-mafioso shared a look of worry for their kitten both of them came to a silent agreement. Once this mission was over they would get the silver haired male to talk to them. The red haired male grabbed onto the weretiger's hand as they followed the rest of the ADA this caused Atsushi to smile at the older male.

About thirty minutes later they arrived at the warehouse that had the organization they were to capture for selling illegal drugs. As they got in position dark gray clouds started to fill the sky a sign that a storm was coming. Atsushi looked to the sky he shivered. He hoped the storm wouldn't start until he got home so he could hide away in his bed. Knowing his luck though he would probably be stuck in the rain. He could hear Chuuya and Osamu arguing over the ear piece, smiling at his two lovers' antics. The weretiger was given the signal to move and he shot off toward the center of the warehouse right in the middle of the group that had gathered. They tried to shoot at him but he transformed in his full tiger form making the bullets useless. He could hear everyone else fighting around him. He came face to face with an ability user that seemed to show anyone illusions of your worst nightmare. He had transformed into his partial form so he could fight with more flexibility. He tried not to look the female in the eyes as that was how she used her ability on you according to Ranpo.

As he fought her he glanced at her and their eyes met immediately he was put under an illusion. He was thrown back to the time that the headmaster had beat him to half to death and threw him out the side door into the thunderstorm that was raging outside. Outside of his mind he had stopped moving, falling to his knees clutching his head. At that moment thunder sounded loudly shaking the ground everything turned silent as they all heard an ear piercing scream. Immediately everyone stopped fighting to look at the weretiger who was crumbling under his mind.

Two sets of eyes flashed with dangerous gleam as they saw their lover fall to his knees. Their hearts clenched as they heard the piercing scream as they could hear the torment and pain lacing the voice. They quickly knocked out their opponents so they could run over to their lover. They both were in front of their kitten in a matter of seconds blocking the ability user's view of the tiger. Both of them could hear the whimpers and sobs behind them. Chuuya at that moment knew that the damage had been done to Atsushi's mind. It would set back the progress they had made with the weretiger's nightmares and insecurities. The red head glanced at the taller male both of their eyes meeting. They nodded at each other and rushed toward the ability user, surprising her which led to her defeat. Dazai looked down at the gifted with a look of disgust how dare this woman hurt his precious kitten.

Everyone from the ADA and Port Mafia stared at the duo called Double Black in awe and slight fear. They knew they were strong but it only took them a couple seconds to take down the gifted user and their eyes were still as cold as ice. Everyone knew that you did not hurt or mess with the younger detective unless you wanted to suffer. Chuuya walked over to his trembling lover, his eyes softening when looking at him. He knelt down and put his hands over Atsushi's.

"Atsushi....Sunshine. You're safe we are right here." He talked to him with a gentle loving voice. He could feel Dazai kneel down beside him and saw hands comb through silver locks. Atsushi slowly brought his hands down, eyes still closed as he started to relax in the affections given to him. The red head saw him nod opening his eyes. Dazai helped Atsushi stand up and walk over to Kunikida to get their next orders. Atsushi was even more withdrawn than he was this morning and that concerned both boyfriends.

The silver haired male stood off to the side as Chuuya and Dazai talked to Kunikida. His head was all over the place as thunder rumbled in the background making him flinch. He couldn't handle anymore so he ran. Kunikida told him to come back and give him his verbal report but he ignored him. Dazai and Chuuya wanted to chase after him but they needed to finish things here. Once they were both finished they didn't give anyone time to reply or talk as they both ran towards Atsushi's apartment. They were both worried for their lover; they could only imagine what was going through his mind and the thunderstorm didn't help manners. They both knew their little kitten was terrified of storms because of his past. They ran even faster as they needed to get to him and comfort him.

The thunderstorm was loud to Atsushi's sensitive hearing, he had ran back to his apartment right after they finished the mission. He could still hear Kunikida yelling for him to come back but he couldn't stay, he had to get to safety. He was currently curled up under his futon with his hands over his ears whimpering. He had never liked thunderstorms even back when he was in the orphanage as he was sometimes left outside with no chance of getting back in. It traumatized him as he never felt safe. As his thoughts ran with images from the orphanage he didn't hear his apartment door open and two sets of footsteps quickly making their way to his bedroom. He had tears running down his face whimpering as if he was in pain. The door opened to reveal two males, one with red hair and one with chocolate brown hair. They both ran over to the whimpering lump encased in blankets.

"Oh kitten..." The one with red hair tried to pull back the futon to reveal his lover. Dazai walked over to the window and closed the curtains so the room was covered in darkness. He walked over to the other side of Atsushi and slid under the covers and wrapped his arm around the younger's waist bringing him closer to his body. Chuuya getting what the brunette was doing slid into the other side encasing Atsushi between the two. The red head ran his fingers through Atsushi's silver locks trying to calm him down. The younger male still was whimpering with tears rolling down his face. Dazai started to place gentle loving kisses against his neck while Chuuya placed gentle kisses onto Atsushi's face. Both were whispering sweet nothings to him to help ground him to reality. After a couple of minutes Atsushi's whimpers started to die down along with his tears. He gripped tightly onto the front of Chuuya's shirt with one hand and gripped Dazai's hand that rested on his stomach. Eventually both males that were encasing Atsushi in a cocoon of warm could hear soft even breaths. Atsushi had fallen asleep with a peaceful look over his face. They both smiled at their precious one as they had finally been able to calm him down.

"We love you Atsushi." They both said in tandem as they continued to stroke his hair and side. They would do anything to give Atsushi the happiness he deserves that even means fighting his demons when he couldn't.

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