The Greeting <1>

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  • مهداة إلى @ye.prince.sealand on instagram!

You stand patiently outside the door of a fancy and high class restraunt. It is your birthday, and your good friend Francis had set you up on a date with someone you didn't know.  You have been single for a while now, and all Francis had wanted for your birthday was for you to be happy. You thought the whole idea was ridiculous. Knowing Francis, he probably set you up with him. 

Bzzzz Bzzzz

You looked down at your old phone, to see that is was buzzing. Francis had texted you, of course. You rememeber how he said he was going to text you when your date was about to arrive.

The text read,

"Bonjour! Matthew, your date, should be there in a few minutes. Look for a tall, shy guy with sorta long blond hair, glasses, and a weird curl. Salut!"

You stuffed your phone back in one of your thin sweatshirt pockets, and wished Matthew would come. Outside it the temperature started to drop and you despreatley wanted to get inside. Longingly, you looked at the inside of the place.

"Jesus, it must be warm enough already, in there.." You mumbled, as you noticed how a staff member had turned up the heat even higher.

You turned to look down at your phone,  just to see what Francis had described to you once again.

After reading it over, you lightly shrugged. He seemed like a cool guy, based from what little to no information Francis had given you about the him. As long as he wasn't an obnoxious, self centered brat, you would most likely be cool with him.

After a few seconds of you freezing your ass off, you had heard soft panting and some guy quietly yelling. 

"KUMAJIRO! Get off the steering wheel, now!!" 


Puzzled, you hesitantly walked over to the noises.

"Execuse me, sir... Do you need any help?" You nodded over to the two of them who were fighting. 

The man quickly got up to awknowledge you, smiling awkwardly, him knowing that the whole scene probably looked really strange. The man had looked pretty much just like what Francis had described, so you started to relax.

"Err, no I think I'm fine, for now" As he replied, he shook the Polar Bear off his arm and quickly locked the door to his car.

"U-uh, by any chance, are you '_______'?" He quickly glanced towards a little sheet of paper with an adress and a name.

You blushed, thinking it was cute the way he said your name.

"Yes, yes I am. You must be Matthew, no?"

Matthew nodded. After a few seconds of silence, he added, "We should get inside now, it's cold out here." He must have seen how cold you looked and decided it was best to get inside.

In the back of your head, you hoped he was going to give you his jacket to wear. But in the end you decide that would be way too cliche, especially since you ahd literally just met. 

"Yes, uh, we should." 

You felt that this whole date would end up in a disaster. You were both awkward as hell around each other, from what you could tell. Obviously, that isn't a very good sign of the date going well. But, this WAS your birthday girft from Francis so you ahd to roll along with is little fantasies of you getting a boyfriend. What's the worst taht could happen, anyway?

<Neeeeeeeee so I have been working on this for over two weeks cause I'm ;azy and was roleplaying with my friend aaaannnd I was also deciding if I should even post this buuuuut I guess I would have to eventually. Also, I tried not to make it gender specific. This probably isn't as good as I hoped, and it is actually quite short. But eh, I didn't even join to write stories x3 but I hope you like it..?>

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