Chapter 8

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(There might be a lot of KiriBaku in this since I'm watching a lot of it rn, but we'll see)

It had been a month since the breakup and Kaminari had basically forgotten about the incident, and Sero's friends had been trying to get him to confess. They were  right now sitting at lunch and Mina kept making eye contact with Sero and pointing at Denki silently when he wasn't looking. Sero was scared but sighed, "Hey Denki, wanna come hang at my dorm after school" Denki looked up and grinned, he'd gotten closer to Sero over the past month and considered him more than a friend (:0 Best friend?) "Sure bro"  Sero blushed faintly and smiled still secretly terrified out of his mind.

Let's time skip to class shall we

Sero and Kaminari were talking about what they'd do at Sero's dorm since Mr. Aizawa wasn't there yet and SHinsou found himself staring, he didn't know why but Sero pissed him off and he was kinda bored without Denki constantly yelling in his ears about something fun for them to do, not that he usually agreed but just the suggestions themselves were enough to keep him entertained. Shinsou shook his head so the thoughts would go away when he saw Kendo at the door. He sighed and stood up leaving the classroom and going over to her, "What Kendo. I'm busy" She rolled her eyes fixing her ponytail which had been oddly problematic, "Busy being jealous" Shinsou narrowed his eyes, "Excuse me" "You heard me, just because of some stupid bet you lost someone that actually put you in a better mood. Everyone in our class noticed how you've been even grumpier as of late and it's pissing me the fuck off" Shinsou quirke a brow in annoyance, "I don't let myself get distracted by feelings Kendo, now if you only came to waste my time then you can leave" Kendo growled and stormed off to her class and Shinsou walked back to his seat, Kendo's words echoing in the back off his mind no matter how hard he tried to ignore it.

Okay now that class is done it's afterschool cause I said so :>

Sero was waiting for Denki in his dorm, his friends had texted him some advice but he was still a nervous wreck. "What if he says no.." "What if who says no to what?" Sero jumped realizing Denki was there and was standing in the doorway, "I-uhm-nothing!" Denki tilted his head and shut the door sitting on Sero's bed, "Sooo, wanna play video games now?" Sero nodded getting the console he had already set up while Denki was in his dorm changing, they played for countless hours until Denki's stomach growled, "Uhm, sorry.." Sero chuckled, "No it's okay." Sero got two bento boxes and handed one to Denki with a smile. Denki grinned after a few bites, "This is so good, I didn't know you could cook this well" Sero scratched the back of his neck laughing nervously, "Well I haven't done it in a while with school and hanging out with you guys and all" Denki stole some out of Sero's box, "Next Bakusquad hang out, us tasting your food" Sero smiled, "I'm glad you like it" Denki nodded finishing the rest of his before Sero was even halfway done. "Damn, you were hungry" Kaminari blushed slightly, "Yeah, lunch didn't really hit the spot for me" Sero burst out laughing, "Couldve fooled me, you and Kiri went ham on it" They laughed together until Sero was done and put away both empty containers. "Well it's getting late, I should go" Sero quickly grabbed Denki's hand as he got up making the blonde turn and raise an eyebrow.

Sero froze still holding Denki's hand but losing all other senses, "I-uhm.." Sero took a deep breath feeling the blush on his face darken, "I-I didn't ask you to hang out just to play video games.." Denki sat back down, "Oh, well what is it?" Sero looked away, "I-I know it's quick but...I like you.. a lot... I have even before you asked out Shinsou I just didn't want to upset you, that's why I kept avoiding you Everytime you talked about him, it kinda hurt that you liked him and not me..." Denki's eyes widened, "I-..." Sero felt  tears roll down his face, "Nevermind I shouldn't have said anything you probably-" Sero shut up feeling Denki grab his shoulders, "Hey calm down, I feel the same, you've been there since Shinsou cheated when the others didnt know how to comfort me, you've been an amazing friend even before that, I like you back" Sero was stunned seeing Denki smile at him, "C-Can I.." "Kiss me?" Sero nodded a little embarrassed he couldn't say it himself he was just to flustered in the moment but Denki smiled and nodded kissing Sero gently, Sero quickly returning the affection, "FINALLY!" They jumped apart, and Denki accidently sent a shock which made a small burn mark in Sero's sheets but he didn't mind. They both turned seeing Mina squeal and Kirishima and Bakugou facepalming, "Mina can you not just let them do their thing without scaring the crap out of them"

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