A New Start

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It was a slightly cold autumn day, the sun getting ready to set as the sky changed for a bright blue to a warm orange. A moving truck pulled up to a small house in the middle of the road, a small silver car coming up behind it. The house looked pretty simple like all the houses on the block. The wall was a light chocolate brown with some grey rock pillars framing the doorway and some of the windows. The backyard looked pretty big from the front of the house and the front yard was pretty big itself, a huge tree sitting in the front of the house. It was two stories and actually looks like a well built home.

The first to set out of the silver car was a tall man about the age of 21. His hands and eyes hurt from driving the car so much so as soon as he got out he cracked his knuckles and rotated his neck, rubbing his eyes while he was at it. He had long dyed pink hair that was tied in a braid and reached the middle of his back that was held together by a golden colored rubber band. He wore a simple white shirt buttoned up and tucked into his black pants. He wore nice brown boots that matched the crown belt around his waist. He let himself stretch as he shook his head, tired from driving a long way with no bathroom breaks.

In the car's passenger seat another tall male stepped out, almost bumping his head on the frame of the car because he was so tired. He looked to be about 19 years old with his fluffy brown hair that almost covered his black glasses. He wore a turtleneck black shirt under a long brown jacket that had black patched on the elbows. He had on brown pants with a black belt and long brown boots that covered most of his claves. His hands were covered with black fingerless gloves that the teen wore even when it wasn't cold outside. He ran his gloved hand through his hair then walked over to the moving truck as the helpers opened the huge hatch.

The last one to hop out of the car was the youngest out of the few. He was about 16 years old but was actually pretty tall for his age, seeming to be just as old as his brothers. He wore a white shirt with a red collar and sleeves with simple blue jeans and black converse. His braces shined whenever he talked or smiled and his bright blue eyes had chaos swirling inside of them. Around his neck was a black bandana that he always kept with him. He fixed his messy blonde hair since he slept most of the way to the new house and scratched the back of his neck once out of the car.

"Tommy can you help me out here? I need you to bring a few things inside for me while Techno fills out paperwork and stuff like that," The brunette called for the blonde and the teen was quick to run over to his older brother.

Wilbur looked at Tommy before reaching down from inside of the moving truck and carefully handing the boy the box. He knew it probably wasn't the best idea to leave Tommy with this stuff but he was the only one who was available to help at the moment. On the box in bold letters was 'Techno' and underneath was 'DO NOT OPEN'. Tommy just rolled his eyes because of his brother's strict opinion on privacy and other aspects of his life. But even though Tommy was chaotic he respected his brother's privacy and wished to stay out of their personal belongings. Tommy noticed how heavy the box was, possible metal things being inside of the box, but that was expected for something that belonged to Techno... It was Techno.

"Where the fuck am I supposed to put this? I swear it weighs more than our stuff combined, Wilbur!" Tommy complained and Wilbur just nodded towards the door before disappearing back into the truck to grab another box without another word. The blonde just sighed, adjusting the box in his hands, before walking over to the front door of the new house which was left open.

Inside were furniture covered in sheets and it looked pretty dead inside of the house. The new house was much bigger than the brother's last house that they shared. They had sent a different moving truck so a lot of the big items were already inside of the house... Tommy almost forgot as he was ready to see a huge open space with nothing around. Tommy walked around for a bit, dragging his fingers on the covered furniture and then walked towards the window. THe feeling of living in a new house was weird... But it felt like a good kind of weird.

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