Jackson 7 at Motown Records

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the Jackson 7 was walking inside of Motown Records and was seeing Mariah Gordy standing with her dad thinking about their soon to be new band mate
Jermaine - tells Mariah Gordy hi i'm Jermaine Jackson and i'm still part of the Jackson 7 and i love to be playing the bass
Mariah - tells Jermaine Jackson i know you play the bass and you are fine
Jermaine - tells Mariah Gordy thanks hottie lady
Mariah - tells Normani hey mani do you want to be relaxing and hanging out with me and we need to be catching up a whole lot with each other
Normani - tells Mariah sure mariah we can be relaxing and hanging out with each other after we practice a whole lot of the songs and we can be catching up with each other a whole lot
Jackie - tells sexybae how do you even know Mariah Gordy i want to be knowing sexy
Normani - tells Jackie me and her are besties we was growing up with each other since we was little ladies and we was meeting in Los Angeles California since my mom and step dad was singing at Motown Records and before Motown was moving to Los Angeles California and before you guys was leaving Gary Indiana to come and join Motown Records and The Temptations are here at Motown Records
Jackie - tells sexybae oh ok sexy i was wanting to be knowing that
Normani - tells Jackie oh ok
Mariah - asking Jermaine what do you love to do Jermaine
Jermaine - tells Mariah i played the bass mariah and me and my brothers love to be playing basketball except for michael he loves to roller skate with mani
Mariah - tells Jermaine i love people that knows how to be playing the bass all of the time
Jermaine - tells Mariah do you maybe want to be going to be seeing a movie with me tonight mariah
Mariah - tells Jermaine is that your way of asking me to go out on a date with you jermaine
Jermaine - tells Mariah yep mariah that's my way of asking you on a date
Mariah - tells Jermaine sure jermaine i would love to go on a date with you later on tonight
Normani - tells Mariah now mariah it's me and Jackie and Jermaine and you that are dating
Mariah - tells Normani true that mani
At Hayvenhurst
Joseph - tells everyone it is time for dinner can you please sitting comfortable down at the table and let's eat and then we can talk as a family
Normani - tells Joseph ok joseph
Mariah - tells Joseph ok joseph
Jackie and Jermaine - tells Joseph ok joseph
later on at Nighttime after the Jacksons and Normani and Mariah was finished eating dinner at the family table
Michael - tells his brothers and mani and whit i am tired and sleepy you guys
Marlon - tells Michael me too bro
Normani - tells mike and Marlon ok mike and Marlon
Jackie - tells his 2 brothers ok brothers
Katie - tells Normani and Mariah you too are going to be sharing a huge bedroom
Normani - tells Mariah yippee mariah i'm happy that we are going to be sharing the same room
Mariah - tells Normani yippee mani we are going to be sharing the same huge bedroom
Normani - tells Mariah i know right mariah
inside of Normani and Mariah's bedroom
Mariah - tells Normani i'm sleepy and really tired and sleepy mani
Normani - tells Courtney me too mariah you are not the only one that's sleepy and tired and we got to be going to school tomorrow and then practice

Mariah - tells Normani ok mani
a knock was coming on the ladies bedroom door
Jackie - asking sexybae can me and Tito and Jermaine and Marlon and Michael and Randy please come inside of y'all bedroom sexy and be relaxing with you to
Normani - tells Jackie sure jackie you boys can come on in
The boys was walking inside of Normani and Mariah bedroom Mariah was locking her and Normani's bedroom door and was sitting comfortable on her bed
Jackie - asking sexybae what are we going to be doing tonight sexy since y'all are still part of the group
Normani - tells Jackie we should all have a slumber party tonight
Randy - tells his whole family ok me and Tito and Marlon and Michael will sleep comfortably on the floor and be really comforted with each other
Jackie - tells sexybae i call sleeping comfortably nakedstyle with you sexy in your bed since we are boyfriend and girlfriend and since we are still dating each other
Normani - tells Jackie sure jackie you can sleep comfortably nakedstyle with me in my bed while Jermaine will sleep comfortably with mariah in her bed
Jackie - tells sexybae okay sexy
Next morning
Katie and Joseph was seeing their sons inside of Normani and Mariah's bedroom
Katie - tells Joseph Normani can be sleeping comfortably nakedstyle with Jackie in his bedroom for now on while mariah sleeps comfortably with Jermaine in his bedroom for now on
Joseph - tells Katie okay my cutie wifey i have to be agreeing with you on with what you was saying
Later on that wonderful day
Randy - tells his family can we please go swimming in the swimming pool
Kaite - tells Randy it's nighttime
Normani - tells everyone i'm going to head to bed
Jackie - tells sexybae me too sexy
Mariah and Jermaine - tells Normani and Jackie us too
Kaite - tells her and Joseph's whole family guys before you all go upstairs Normani your sleeping comfortably nakedstyle in Jackie's bedroom with him for now on Mariah you are going to be sleeping comfortably in Jermaine's bedroom for now on
Normani - tells Katie ok momma katie
Mariah - tells Katie ok momma katie
inside of Normani and Jackie's bedroom at night time
Jackie - tells sexybae Normani Kordei Stone will you please be marrying me and make me the happiest man alive in this world
Normani - tells Jackie yes jackie i will love to be marrying you
Jackie - putting the diamond engagement ring on sexybae's left hand
Normani - smiling a whole lot while looking at her diamond engagement ring
Jackie - looking at what sexybae looking at and was smiling a lot
a knock was coming on Normani and Jackie's bedroom door
Normani - tells everyone come on in everyone you are invited in
Mariah and Jermaine and Michael and Marlon and Randy and Tito and Janet and Latoya was walking inside of Normani and Jackie's bedroom
Normani - showing a whole lot of the ladies her diamond engagement Ring
A whole lot of the ladies - screaming really loudly at seeing the diamond engagement ring on Normani's left hand
Latoya - tells her brothers get out brothers and us ladies are going to be spending some time with each other and have ladies time and then we can be letting you boys come back inside of the bedroom and relaxing with us
the boys was walking out of Normani and Jackie's bedroom and Janet was locking Normani and Jackie's bedroom door on her brothers
Latoya - tells Normani you should have long dark blue hair with dark blue bangs and long nails and Mariah you should have short dark purple hair with pink highlights and short nails
Normani - tells Latoya do you got the different hair dye colors and long nails lat
Mariah - tells Latoya i want to be knowing too
Latoya - tells Normani and Mariah yep mani and mariah i do got the different hair color dyes and long and short nails
After Normani and Mariah was getting their new hair colors done and long and short nails
Normani - tells Latoya hey lat can you please be opening me and Jackie's bedroom door and you can be letting your brothers come back inside of me and Jackie's bedroom and letting them relaxing and hanging out with us and cause they want to be relaxing and hanging out with us and they probably gonna be pouting a whole lot and since you know that you kicked them out
Latoya - tells Normani ok mani
Latoya was unlocking Normani and Jackie's bedroom door and the boys was walking back inside of Normani and Jackie's bedroom
Randy - shocked at Normani's new hair color
Jackie - sitting comfortable with sexybae on their bed and was snuggling her and was looking at her new hair color and was touching it and was love with her hair color
Normani - sitting comfortable with Jackie on their bed
Jermaine - shocked at Mariah's new hair color and was loving her hair color
Normani - happy that she finally got long dark blue hair with dark blue bangs and long nails
Next year after Normani and Jackie and Paula and Tito was finally married
Paula - tells Tito now me and Normani are both finally part of the family
Tito - tells Paula yep you guys are part of the family
Mariah - smiling a whole lot while standing with Normani and Paula and Carol and Janet and Rebbie and Latoya and was taking a family photo with them
Normani - smiling a whole lot while with paula and mariah and her favorite cuz and jan and reb and lat in the family photo
Paula - smiling a whole lot while in the family photo with Normani and Mariah and Carol and Janet and Latoya and Rebbie
Jackie and Tito and Jermaine - getting in the family photo with sexybae and Paula and Mariah and Carol and Janet and Rebbie and Latoya and was smiling a whole lot
Mariah - tells Jermaine who told you 3 to get into the family photo with me and mani and Paula and Carol and lat and janet and rebbie i want to be knowing jermaine
Jermaine - tells Mariah i was wanting to be in the family photo with my brothers mariah besides you look happy with your besties
Mariah - tells Jermaine it was just supposed to be me and my besties and your sisters jermaine not you and Jackie and Tito with us in the family photo at all
Jermaine - tells Mariah oh okay mariah i didn't even know that
Normani - tells Mariah and Paula we should leave them alone mariah and paula and go be sitting comfortable with our parents

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